Bill Barrett's teaching schedule Fall 2021

Classes are being revised, and current versions will be posted before classes begin.

Photo I
Photography Gallery Management

Photography Portfolio Review
Photography Program Monthly Meeting

Utopias (A First Year/Global Cornerstone Seminar)

Courses I have taught from time to time (dates refer to the last time I taught them) include

Advanced Digital Imaging
Advanced Photojournalism
Advanced Topics in Digital Imaging: Photography for the Internet
Art & Politics (A First Year Seminar)
Digital Asset Management
Digital Basic Photography

Digital Photo Imaging
Digital Photo Imaging (for advertising and public relations majors)
Doing Justice: exploring what it means to live rightly in the world
Ethics in the Media
(an online course)

Fundamentals of Photography (graduate course)
International Photojournalism (an online course)
Introduction to Media Production
Photography in New York (fall break)
Photography on the Internet
Professional Development in Photography
The Social Document