Fall 2000
PHOT 3190.03
© Bill Barrett 2000
Feedback (general opinions, problems, suggestions, etc.) on this hypersyllabus is encouraged! Bookmark this, but don't rely on printing it out. It is very likely that this page will be updated in the course of the semester.
Class description: Introduction to photographic imaging on the computer using Adobe Photoshop. Students learn how photography is controlled, modified, and manipulated on the computer in the context of advertising, public relations and other communications. Topics include using Photoshop to prepare work for print and for the Internet and scanning from flat art; digital cameras are introduced. Students complete 3 projects. Prerequisite: COAP 2020 or permission of ADVISOR. NOT FOR PHOTO MAJORS.
We will be using the Macintosh computer platform in class, but students with Windows familiarity are welcome. Cross-platform questions are encouraged, and issues are addressed.
Class attendance is very important this course. Your participation and attendance are a large part of your grade -- make sure both are exceptional. Written assignments and class presentations must be completed on schedule. This is what the grades mean...
REQUIRED: Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Classroom in a Book
RECOMMENDED: Robin Williams, The Little Mac Book (5th ed.)
Both are in paperback, and are available at the Webster University Bookstore.
What we're doing and when:
Week 1 (8/21). Introductions; using Motet to communicate with each other; the conference for this class is called "DigiPhot00fa3". The digital world we are entering; the hardware and the software. Participating in the Photoshop listserv. (If you are new to on-line discussion groups, read the "rules of the road" before you jump in!).
Week 2 (8/28). Photoshop 5.0 and 5.5.(You can download a limited-functionality demo of version 5.5) Digital imaging in the worlds of advertising and public relations. Work on lessons in the text; what your Class Presentations are about.
Week 3 (9/11). First class presentations; work on lessons in the text. Sending files via FTP.
Week 4 (9/18). Work on lessons in the text.
Week 5 (9/25). Scanning; intro to the Epson 1200C flatbed scanner; class presentations; work on lessons in the text.
Week 6 (10/2). Scanning continued, intro to Kodak Rapid Film Scanner 3570; work on lessons in the text.
Week 7 (10/9).Iintro to digital cameras; Apple QuickTake 100 and Sony Mavica; class presentations; work on lessons in the text.
Fall Break
Week 8 (10/23). Assignment of individual projects (when your proposal is ready, post it in the Projects topic in our Motet conference). Class presentations; work on lessons in the text.
Week 9 (10/30). Student presentations of project proposals; initial work on projects; work on lessons in the text.
Week 10 (11/6). Class presentations; work on projects; work on lessons in the text. (NB: You should be finished with these soon!)
Week 11 (11/13). Work on projects; work on lessons in the text.
Week 12 (11/20). Class presentations; work on projects; work on lessons in the text.
Week 13. (11/27). Class presentations; work on projects; work on lessons in the text.
Week 14. (12/11). Work on projects; work on lessons in the text.
Week 15. (12/4). Final exam: Class presentations of final projects.