January 11, 2003

The meeting of the Dogtown Historical Society (DHS) was held on January ll, 2003 at the home of Virginia Lopez, 6312 West Park. Nina Bryans called the meeting to order at 10:05 am with 14 people in attendance. Nina Bryans, Bob Corbett, Ed Cody. Jim Glaser, Tom Haller, Tom Lenartson, Virginia Lopez, Duke McVey, Gerry and Bill Miller, Sally Sharamitaro, Kay Richards, Betty and Bill Vorbeck.

Reading of minutes of the December 2002 meeting by Virginia Lopez – Minutes were accepted with the following correction: Gerry and Bill Miller were in attendance.

Treasurer’s Report by Jim Glaser

Bill Vorbeck moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Motion second by Duke McVey. Motion carried.

Jim Glaser suggested that the use of Lehman’s Hardware store window for DHS displays was to be entered as an in-kind donation to DHS. Bill Vorbeck made the motion that was second by Bill Miller. Motion carried.

Old Business

    No action was taken on the Logo. As reported by Bob Corbett, John Corbett, who was absent from the meeting, received samples from a graphic designer and will present them at the next meeting in February.

  2. 501C3
    Jim Glaser said the check sent to the Federal Tax Office for the DHS application for the 501C3 has been deposited.

  3. Lecture Series Committee
    Reminder: Status report on committee meeting (Nina Bryans, Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Henry Herbst, Sally Sharamitaro ) Thursday January 16 11:00 am at Seamus McDaniels

  4. Century Homes Committee
    Reminder : Status report on committee meeting in February (Chair Bob Corbett, Bill Vorbeck, Sally Sharamitaro, Kay Richard, Tom Lenartson, Bill Miller and Jim Glaser.) Action plan should answer the questions: Who, What, When, Where, and How.

  5. Living History Committee
    Reminder: Status report on committee at February meeting (Chair Nina Bryans, John Corbett, Duke McVey, and Virginia Lopez.) Ethel Odie, 650l Nashville, and Sister Marie Lee, Pastoral Care at Tenet Hospital, were recommended as interviewees.

  6. Ghost Sign Committee
    Reminder : status report at February meeting (Henry Herbst and Tom Lenartson). Tom reported that Henry has been working on trying to get someone to restore the sign, which is not easy. It may be that an individual person rather than a company will have to do work.

  7. DHS Walk of Fame Committee
    Committee (Chair John Corbett, Bill and Gerry Miller and Bill Vorbeck) will report on status at February meeting.

New Business

  1. Nina Bryans suggested that we needed to be more cognizant of DHS business. Bill Vorbeck moved that: DHS Committees are not to take any action outside of the Society without the approval of the Board of Directors. Motion second by Jim Glaser. Motion carried.

  2. Nina asked the group what does DHS have to offer its membership in the coming year. Members suggested the following: Feeling of satisfaction by contributing to the community; Minutes; Ability to participate in DHS projects; and Contributions to the Website.

  3. An individual from the National Railroad Group contacted Bob Corbett regarding the Taylor City Belt Railway. Bob instructed him to talk to Henry Herbst.

  4. Bob Corbett received email from Lou Schmidt saying he had found more information on mines and maps, specifically, a map of the railroad from 1904. He will forward them to Bob.

  5. Because our attendance at our monthly meetings is getting larger, Nina asked for recommendations for alternative meeting space. Suggestions included: Salvation Army at Hampton and Wise; Forest Park Tenet Hospital, Ellen Hyatt, Chaplin’s Office, 768-3000; Congregational Church; and St. James Rectory.

The meeting adjourned 10:45 am

NOTE: DHS has a new meeting place for our February 8th meeting.

St. James Rectory
6401 Wade, Lower Level
10:00 a.m.

Minutes submitted by Virginia Lopez
Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society


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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu