December 14, 2002

The meeting of the Dogtown Historical Society (DHS) was held on December 14th, 2002 at the home of John Corbett, 6314 West Park. Nina Bryans called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. with 11 people in attendance: Nina Bryans, Bob and John Corbett, Henry Herbst, Tom Lenartson, Virginia Lopez, Kay Richard, Sally Sharamitaro, and Bill Vorbeck.

MINUTES were read by Virginia Lopez and approved as read.

TREASURER REPORT was not reported.

  1. Lectures Series

    The first DHS lecture, “150th Anniversary of the Rail Line Coming to Dogtown,” was held on December 8 in the St. James Cafeteria. Thirty-two people attended. The first speaker, Bob Corbett, stressed the economic and cultural importance of the Missouri Pacific Railway coming to Cheltenham, and Henry Herbst, the second speaker, discussed the Taylor City Belt Line that ran from Manchester Avenue to the 1904 World’s Fairgrounds. Special thanks were given to Father Johnson for the use of the cafeteria and Bill Kennebeck the drink set-up. The Refreshment Committee, which included Chair Sally Ryan Sharamitaro, Elaine Herbst, Kay Richard, Virginia Lopez, Gerry Miller, Lisa Wade, Dave Kruger, and LaVergne McVoy. Special thanks were extended to Duke McVey who underwrote the lecture.

    A comment sheet was circulated to the attendees, and 18 people responded. Ninety percent of the respondents scored the first lecture extremely high. Recommendations for future lectures were: to consider the age of the attendees, i.e., hearing and sight; have the speaker be closer to the screen; use of the laser pointer was annoying and that the computer pointer would be better; and better coordination is needed between the narrative and the pictures. Suggested future topics included past and present Dogtown business; Century Homes, Settlers and the Clay Mines; and Older Residents and their stories of life in Dogtown.

    A committee was formed to plan future dates, topics, speakers, publicity, marketing, and speakers for the lectures. Members of the committee are Nina Bryans, Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Henry Herbst, and Sally Sharamitaro who will meet on Thursday, January 16 at Seamus McDaniel’s at 11:00. The committee will report at the February meeting.

  2. Window Displays

    Lisa Wade received the follow-up pictures from Bob Corbett and has ordered full size pictures for Lehman’s window. The treasurer, Jim Glaser, has reimbursed Lisa for cost of previous pictures.

  3. Century Homes

    Bob Corbett reported on his investigation of the proposed terra cotta plaques for the DHS Century Homes. He showed a 12 x 12 clay product that can be used with information to identify the Century Home. A special coating can be used to protect the plaque from the weather. Presently, there is a list of over 300 homes that are over 100 years of age. Bill Vorbeck has photographed these homes, and Bob will scan them for the Web Site.

    Bob Corbett will chair the Century Home Committee that will include: Bill Vorbeck, Sally Sharamitaro, Kay Richard, Tom Lenartson, and Bill Miller. (Jim Glaser has been added to this committee.)

  4. Living History

    Virginia Lopez recommended that DHS interview 100 year old, Pauline Weber, a former resident of Dogtown. Gerry Miller recommended John Columbo and Aleta Brady.

  5. School Education Project

    Nina Bryans stated that the St. James Education Project would get under way after the first of the year. Sharon Kassing has volunteered to assist Tom Wad and Nina with this project.


    Nina presented various logos for discussion. Various motions were presented, amended, and finally, tabled. John Corbett will take the meeting’s suggestions to a graphic designer for a more finished version that will be present at the next meeting in January.

  7. 50lC3

    Ed Cody traced the DHS application for Tax Exempt Status, Employer ID Number 41-2037886 and was notified of verification that the IRS has received our application. It has been entered into the computer system in the processing center in Covington, Kentucky and sent to Cincinnati office for initial review.

    The current estimate is 120 days to either give us a letter stating that the DHS is exempt from federal income tax, or if we do not qualify, a letter stating why they do not believe we quality. We ill have the right of appeal if they claim we do not qualify, but Ed is confident that we will get tax-exempt status.

  8. Ghost Signs

    Henry Herbst and Tom Lenartson will investigate new information on revitalizing Dogtown Ghost Signs. Henry showed a book on restored signs with many pictures of signs in St. Louis. Henry and Tom will report back to DHS in February.

  9. DHS Walk of Fame

    John Corbett stated that he felt that the DHS Walk of Fame was an important project for DHS and said that he would be chair of a committee to pursue this further. John, Bill and Jerry Miller, and Bill Vorbeck volunteered to work on the issue. They will report back to DHS in February


Nina Bryans reported that it is time to consider a membership drive for 2003. There are 162 people on Bob Corbett’s email list and only 55 DHS members. Nina will report on this at the February meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 11:50.

NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD ON January11, 2003 at the home of Virginia Lopez, 10:00 a.m. , 6312 West Park.

Minutes submitted by Virginia Lopez
Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society


Bibliography Oral history Recorded history Photos
YOUR page External links Walking Tour

Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu