February 8, 2003
The meeting of the Dogtown Historical Society (DHS) was held on February 8, 2003 at
St. James Rectory, 6401 Wade Ave.
Nina Bryans called the meeting to order at 10:10 am with 15 people in attendance.
Nina Bryans, John Corbett, Bob Corbett, Ed Cody, Jim Glaser, Tom Lenartson, Virginia Lopez, Gerry and Bill Miller, Sally Sharamitaro,
Kay Richards, Kelli Vincent, Mike Hefele, Lisa Wade and Henry Herbst.
Virginia Lopez read the minutes and the following corrections were made by Bob Corbett. “Louis Schmidt has information on Dogtown mines and maps, and also has a map of the Railroad from 1904. He will send them to Bob. The correction to the minutes of January 11, to add the names of Gerry and Bill Miller to attendance has been made.
Treasurer’s Report
Jim Glaser reported we have $1,374.43 in the Lindell Bank
Old Business
A. DHS Logo
John Corbett stated there has been a tremendous response in emails to Bob’s inquiry regarding the logo. It was decided to take our time deciding on a logo, establish a committee to review the ideas, and to present more information to a graphic designer as to what we actually want. Nina suggested contacted
B. Lecture Series
hose members who are not on the Internet to see if some of them would be interest in joining the committee.
Nina Bryans, Bob Corbett, Henry Herbst, and Sally Sharamitaro met on 1/23/03 to discuss plans for the 2003 & 2004 Speakers Series. Twenty topics were introduced and discussed for future lectures. It was agreed that Sunday evenings 7:00 to 8:30 pm was the best time for these presentations, depending on the availability of the St. James’ cafeteria. The following are the lectures that we agreed upon by the Board of Directors:
119th Century Cheltenham and Dogtown History 03/23/03 Speaker Bob Corbett
St. James The Greater Parish 06/22/03 Speaker Bob Corbett
Route 66 09/21/03 Speaker Jim Powell
St Louis Worlds Fair 1904 12/14/03 Missouri Historical Society
Nina Bryans called to Missouri Historical Society received good information and names of
speakers one declined will contact the other two. It was suggest that Nina contact Dan McQuire
St Patrick’s Day Parade 03/04 Speaker Jim Mohan
Streets Of Dogtown 06/04 Speaker Henry Herbst
Dogtown Century Homes 09/04 Century Home Committee
The eighth topic, Forest Park, was deleted from the list because Forest Park Forever did not have a speaker to talk about the history of the park. However, Bob Corbett recommends that Forest Park be included in 12/04, and Bob and Henry will provide names as speakers. Bill Kennebeck, St. James POC for the cafeteria, has been contacted for the dates in 2003 and 2004. They have been scheduled and a confirmation letter has been sent to Mr. Kennebeck. He said that we could change the dates as long as we give him plenty of notice and as long as there is not a conflict with Parish activities. He did not commit to any dates for 2004.
C. Century Homes
Bob Corbett had nothing to report at this time. Committee will meet after this meeting.
D. 501C3
Ed Cody reported that he had received correspondence from the IRS in Seattle requesting more information on our application. Various topics need to be elaborated on, such as how we solicit membership, expenditures, budget for 2003 and 2004, and other pertinent information. The Articles of Incorporation need to be amended to state charitable and educational purposes. Nina will provide Fact Sheet, Agendas, Minutes, Committee Reports, etc. Ed also stated that we need to amend the bylaw regarding the length of office for the Board Members. We need to elect officers for vice president and treasurer. This will be attended to at our meeting in March, which will be our annual meeting.
E. Walk Of Fame
John Corbett stated that there were many ideas presented through emails. He stressed the fact
that his committee will review the ideas and present them to the Board of Directors for approval. Decision need to be made as to what will put in it, where that will be, and who will be included.
F. Ghost Signs
Henry Herbst has contacted Viacom, St. Louis largest outdoor Advertising Company several times, but they have failed to respond to his request to look at the sign and give us an estimate as to the cost of redoing the Alpen Brau Sign. He will try some local Artist’s for information.
New Business
A. Dogtown St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Bob Corbett offered to set up a table in his front yard on the day of the parade and to provide information on DHS. Bob suggested a large banner to be placed in his yard advertising The Dogtown Historical Society. There also was discussion of tee shirts. A motion carried to buy tee shirts for $600 and a banner not to exceed $100.
B. Quarterly Newsletter
We have 22 members who do not have access to Email. Kay Richard volunteered to compose a quarterly newsletter to reach members and perspective members. She will report at the next meeting.
C. ByLaws
Bob Corbett made a motion to have 2 year terms for all officers with term of office for President and Secretary to begin on even years, and Vice President’s and Treasurer’s office to begin in odd years. Kay Richard seconded; motion carried. The six Board Members have terms of 6 years and five Board Members have terms of two-year terms. It was also moved and carried that Robert’s Rules of Order, Second Edition be incorporated into the ByLaws.
D. Maps
Bob Corbett would like to form a Map Committee to investigate the use of old maps to show boundaries and other historical information of Dogtown. Henry Herbst, Mike Hefele, and Tom Lemartson volunteered to be on the committee. The committee will look into the use of overlay and/or transparencies. Mike Hefele suggested the use of Autocat, a computer program that could possibly do the job.
Action Items
1. Nina Bryans will supply Ed Cody with copies of the Fact Sheet, Agendas, Minutes, Committee Reports, and any other information that she feels will be needed to supply information to the IRS for the 501C3.
2. John Corbett will investigate a banner and tee shirts for St. Patrick’s Day.
Gerry Miller made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 12:10.
Next meeting Saturday March 8th, 2003 at St. James The Greater Rectory, lower level, 6401 Wade Avenue 10:00 a.m.
Bob Corbett