March 10, 2007

CALL TO ORDER: – President John Corbett called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. in the St. James Rectory. Eleven members were in attendance: Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Didi Gardner, Tom Haller, Geraldine Kaegel, Rose Kennedy, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Carol Nemeth, Sally Sharamitaro and Dorothy Tarne.

Minutes of Last Meeting - A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2007 meeting. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report - Bob Corbett, Treasurer, presented two March treasurer’s reports. The second report was titled “After Redistribution of Accounts”. The ending balance as of March 10, 2007 is $5,058.40.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the March treasurer’s report. A vote was taken, motion passed.


Archives/Donations– Bob spoke briefly about the Soccer Hall of Fame plaque. He said that we have an arrangement with the tile company to have the plaque “hung” on the brick wall at St. James School. And though we would love to have the plaque for St. Patrick’s Day, there is no date for the installation. The tile company will be using a special type of glue that will only work when the weather stays above freezing for at least three consecutive nights. Bob will follow up.

Bob also announced that one of our DHS members, Mike Hefele, who works for the Paulo Products Company, 5620 West Park called and said that he and some co-workers found a set of train tracks where the old Highlands Amusement Park was located and where the new construction and the Forest Park Community College are currently located.

There are questions unanswered as to whether they were train, mining tracks or part of an amusement park ride. The Paulo employees were actually able to take their cutting equipment to the site and removed two pieces of the tracks about a foot long which they intend to donate to the DHS archives.

Civil War Re-Enactment – No Report

Century Home Committee - No Report

Living History – John reported that Mabel Sweatlick is coming into town for a DHS interview next week. Tom Haller mentioned that the manager of the Jewish Orphan Home’s might be another option and he will contact the man.

Membership Update -Bob reminded the members that two officer positions, Vice President and Treasurer, are due for renewal March 2007. John opened the floor for nominations.

Both current officers, Virginia Lopez, Vice President and Bob Corbett, Treasurer, were nominated with no opposition, motions were made to proceed with the election, votes were taken, and both won by acclimation. Their new terms will expire in March 2009.

Lecture Series -No Report


Bench Project - John estimated that the DHS will soon have 20 benches in place. He has a listing of the donors for the new benches, the locations that have been approved by the landowners, and will follow up with the city for permits.

However John noticed that on almost all the bench plaques, the DHS logo has faded and in some cases disappeared altogether. The current plaques seem not to be sturdy or heavy enough for our needs.

Bob contacted Forest Park Forever to ask the name of the company that provides their plaques. He was told that they too tried several plaques before they found the ones seen around the Grand Basin that have lasted for three years.

When Bob contacted the company he was told that they had several types of plaques and that they see the stamping onto the material as the problem. However, were we to go with the Forest Park Forever plaques the cost could increase to $200.00 each. Bob will contact other vendors and report his findings.

Ghost Sign Restoration Project – No Report

Route 66 Signs – Sally Sharamitaro passed around a brochure for a Route 66 group. Paid members receive newsletters, maps and other publications about Route 66. The membership dues for an organization is $50.00.

Discussion followed about the DHS joining the group. A motion was made that the DHS join the group. A vote was taken and the motion passed. Bob will follow up.

Dogtown Street Banners –DHS member, Geraldine Kaegel, submitted several of her hand drawn sample/ideas for new Dogtown street banners. The samples were passed around for all members to see and all comments were positive.

Discussion followed on the banners, whether more than one banner might be a good idea, and what type of logo would be best. Options mentioned are; the St. James church steeple; a shamrock; a gazebo or even the DHS logo. All agreed that the word Dogtown should be one word.

John commented that he will take Geradine’s samples with him whenever he can arrange a meeting to discuss the new street banners with a friend who does graphic arts. John will follow up.


The Dogtown Name – Tom Haller reported on the newest research that is being done on the naming of Dogtown. Tom and another member, Mike Gittens, who is currently living in France, have been sharing their newest findings on the Dogtown email list. Mike shared his grandfather’s stories about individual minors and the holes that they dug that were called “Dog Holes” because they looked like holes that dogs might have dug. That sent Mike and Tom to the internet and the library for more information.

They found the United States Government Mining site, where it was written that “Dog Holes” was considered common terminology in mining terms, as was “Dog House”, which described a building where minors changed their clothes. They also found that there were several towns given the name “Dogtown”, towns which were tied to mining communities.

Discussion followed on the topic and the families (Gittens being one) who were forced to leave the Forest Park area (and their ‘mining’ efforts there) when the property there was declared a public park. These families were some of the earliest Dogtown residents in the area of “Brady’s Woods” or the Lloyd and Sproule area.

Tom mentioned that he remembers a map at the Missouri Historical Society Library that actually had the name Dogtown printed on it. Bob doubted that it was an old map, more likely a newer version or printing of an old map.

Bob urged Tom and Mike to put together an essay on their findings to be posted onto the Dogtown website.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The next meeting will be Saturday, Apri l4, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., St. James Rectory, 6401 Wade Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139

Respectfully submitted
Sally Ryan Sharamitaro
Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society


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Bob Corbett
