May 10, 2003

Dogtown Historical Society meeting was held on May 10, 2003 at St. James The Greater Rectory.
President Nina Bryans called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. with 16 people in attendance: Nina Bryans, Ed Cody, Bob Corbett, Didi Gardner, Tom Haller, Henry Herbst, Tom Lenartson, Virginia Lopez, Lou and Nola Macchi, Bill and Gerry Miller, Kay Richard, Sally Sharamitaro, and Betty and Bill Vorbeck.

were read by Virginia Lopez and approved.
Bill Vorbeck gave notice that at the next meeting he will make a motion to rescind the action that we accept the Logo Committee’s recommendations on the Logo.
Bob Corbett stated all minutes are up to date on the Web Site.

Jim Glaser emailed that the balance of our treasury as of May 10, 2003 is $2149.80. This includes recently received dues and donations.


  1. Century Homes Committee

    Bob Corbett reported that the committee, which met on April 26, has approved a letter to be sent to the residents of century homes. It will include the cost of the research and the plaque, as well as the date the century home was built. A sample of the plaque will be included along with the DHS Fact Sheet. The letter will encourage residents to become DHS members. Printing and mailing of letters has not been decided.

    Bob stated that there are now over 300 homes that qualitfy as Century Homes. The committee has agreed on a sign design with Century Home “printed across the top with the date (home was built) and that a circle or oval with the words “Certified by the Dogtown Historical Society.” The plaque will be white with black letters and a thin Kelly green or black border. Bob stated that more discussion on the plaque would be in committee.

  2. Speakers Series Committee

    Sally Sharamitaro said the Committee would meet in the next two weeks. She is working on the press release. Nina suggested the use of a picture of St. James Church as a header on the press release and the flyer. The Committee is considering the following changes: having an intermission; rearranging the chair set up; and DHS officers wearing nametags. The third quarterly event in the Speakers Series is “The History of St. James The Greater Parish,” which will be held on Sunday, June 22, at 7:00 p.m., in the St. James School Cafeteria. Bob Corbett will be the speaker.

  3. Newsletter

    Kay Richard has resigned as editor of the newsletter because she has accepted a job. Nina Bryans along with Bill Vorbeck agreed to work on the on a draft newsletter, but an editor is still needed. Nina asked that anyone who would be interested to please contact her.

  4. Living History Committee

    Virginia Lopez reported that the committee is waiting for the transfer of the three interviews that were taped last month from camera cassette to video so they can review the work for improvements in lighting and focus. There are many more people to interview. Bill Vorbeck said that he would contact an amateur video photographer who might be of assistance.

  5. Ghost Sign Committee -- No report


  1. Important Research Materials for DHS Achieves

    Father Johnson, pastor of St. James, is extremely enthusiastic and cooperative with the research underway by Bob Corbett for DHS. Bob has found a number of important historical papers, newsletters, and journals that have significant impact on the history of St. James and Dogtown. He feels that it is imperative, and the Board agrees, that these documents need to be preserved in the DHS achieves. These records include: “Let’s Go,” a collection of early parish bulletins composed of three bound volumes, 1925-32 with 1197 pages; bound volumes from 1940-1999; a leather bound book containing the St. James Grade School Graduating Classes from 1904-1937; minutes of the St. James Alumni Association; and a leather bound diary of Father Casey, 1907-1909. Bob is searching for the names of the original 1860 signing members of the St. James Parish Charter.

    Ed Cody moved that $200.00 be used to photocopy the “Let’s Go” issues. Bill Vorbeck seconded; the motion carried. The project to copy the material will be under the direction of Bob Corbett. Bob presented the DHS with a check that he received from a DHS member to cover the photocopying.

    Bob Corbett received an email from a Post Dispatch reporter who is following the DHS Web Site. She has offered to supply him with all Post Dispatch articles that have been written about Dogtown which are not on the Web Site.

    Henry Herbst donated a small book for the archives by William H. McKenzie, entitled, “Opening The Rail Gateway to the West: Construction of the Pacific Railroad of Missouri.” He suggested that with more research a book could be published in a similar vein on the Taylor City Beltline.

  2. Signs

    Tom Haller asked that DHS investigate placing signs on Highways 40 and 44 to publicize the Dogtown neighborhood. Tom will contact Alerman Tom Bauer to ask for assistance in acquiring the signs from Missouri Department of Transportation.

    Tom Haller made contact with a person who lives in Washington, D.C. who is a member of the Amusement Park Club. While in Washington, Tom is will meet with this person and discuss information about the Forest Park Highlands and Chain of Rocks Park.

  3. Dogtown Veterans

    There was a discussion of the Dogtown men and women who were killed in action during the various wars. It was suggest that a list of these veterans be compiled and put on the Web Site.

Meeting adjourned 11:20 a.m.

Virginia Lopez
The Dogtown Historical Society

Next meeting is June 14,2003 at St. James The Greater Rectory, Wade Avenue Entrance at 10:00 a.m.


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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu