July 12, 2003


Dogtown Historical Society meeting was held on July 12, 2003 at St. James The Greater Rectory.
Nina Bryans called the meeting to order 10:02 am with 12 people in attendance. Nina Kassing Bryans, Bob and John Corbett, Tom Haller, Rose Kennedy, Tom Lenartson, Virginia Lopez, Bill and Gerry Miller, Kay Richard, Sally Sharamitaro and Kelli Vincent.

Minutes were read by Virginia Lopez and approved


Jim Glaser reported we have $2649.80 in the bank. $190.00 collected in dues,$20.00 collected in donations. Seven people joined as members at our last lecture.


Tom Haller spoke with Tom Bauer. He said in about a year he is starting an advertising signage he will take care of signs on highway 40 & 44. He said there is a 12 apartment complex being developed at Waldemar and Prather priced range in $200.00 to $249.00. Tom Haller will follow up in 6 months.

Tom also spoke with Doug Garner, who is a member of the Roller Coaster Association. He will come to St. Louis and host a program on the Forest Park Highlands. Tom said he spoke for 3 hours on the material he has on the Highlands. We have to arrange a date for his program.


Bob Corbett had Sally Sharamitaro go to The Webster Tile and Library to pick up the plaques to be put on the Century Homes. One was light beige clay and 2 pieces were red clay. The plaque will have Century Homes at the top of the plaque, with date of the home below. Below the date will be a circle with Dogtown Historical Society around it with a shamrock in center. The group decided to have Century Homes made larger so it can be seen from the street.


Sally Sharamitaro reported on the third of our DHS Speakers Series Events “The History of St James Parish that was held on June 22, 2003 in St. James School Auditorium. Forty nine people signed our attendance sheet. Bob Corbett traced the history of St James Parish from the beginning as a mission of St. Malachy’s Parish in 1860 through its 90 years of Irish born pastors.

Special thanks have been extended to: Father Johnson for the use of the school, Bill Kenneback for the drinks and pastries, Bill and Gerry Miller for the snacks and to Virginia Lopez our official greeter for the night. A special thanks also went to the Speakers Series Committee members: Nina Kassing Bryans, Bob and John Corbett, Henry Herbst and Sally Sharamitaro.

A comment sheet was circulated to the attendees and 34 people responded. 9 to 10 highest rating. 91% said the presentation met there expections: 82% could see presentation adequately. 88% could hear presentation adequately and 94% said the material was of interest to them.

Some written comments were :” Enjoyed it very much, very interesting”-“ Excellent research” and “Bob Corbett is absolutely awesome, how I wish I had such fascinating teachers.”

Some written topics for the future: Parish History from “WWII to the present” “Italians of Dogtown and Cheltenham” And “It is all presented in such an interesting way any topic would draw me.”

We have videos available of our June 22 event, many have signed up for them. The next Speakers Series Event will be held on September 21, 2003 with Julie Duane with her poems, music and paintings. Jim Powell was not available at this time.


John Corbett brought a picture of the logo. Bob Corbett to scan it to be given to the artist to finish. When we have the finished logo they will contact the home owners.


John Corbett to head drive for new members . We will distribute flyers in the neighborhood asking the people to become members.

Bob Corbett made a motion to adjourn, Sally Sharamitaro seconded.

Next meeting will be August 9th, St. James Rectory,Wade Avenue entrance 10am

Virginia Lopez
Dogtown Historical Society


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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu