August 12, 2006

CALL TO ORDER: – President, John Corbett, called the meeting to order at 10:12 a.m. at the St. James Rectory. Ten people were in attendance: Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Carol Nemeth, Henry Herbst, Rose Kennedy, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Kurt Odendahl, Sally Sharamitaro and guest Kelly Almond.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on July 15, 2006. A vote was taken and the minutes were approved.

TREASURERS REPORT – John Corbett announced that our Treasurer, Didi Gardner, notified him that she is moving to Denver. She said that her plans are to continue to fly into St. Louis at least once a month and that she would be willing to continue as our DHS treasurer. The members discussed that as an option. Bob Corbett stated that he would accept the nomination for the office of Treasurer. John and Bob will speak with Didi and will report at the next meeting regarding the situation.


Archives/Donations – Member, Henry Herbst, donated a small booklet dated September 1938 and titled “Where to Go, What to See in St. Louis and Vicinity”. Inside the book there is an advertisement for the White House Tavern formerly located at 6286 Clayton Avenue, owned and operated by Randall Dwyer (Uncle Randall to John and Bob Corbett).

Century Home Committee - Bill Miller reported that 8 plaques are ready for pickup. He will drive over to pick them up but will need a check to cover the costs. A discussion followed on the number of owners who have their plaques on display on their homes.

Living History – No Report

Membership Update – No report

Speakers Series – – Henry Herbst discussed his upcoming program on the Alpen Brau Brewery and his hopes that the ghost sign project will be completed by October 15, 2006, the date of his presentation.

He and Sally Sharamitaro discussed the time frame for the press release/flyer. Sally needs his program information by September 1st in order to finalize the press release/flyer and notify the Points of Contact and members/guests by September 15th at the latest. Henry agreed to email the graphic and the text to Sally by Labor Day.

Bob asked if it would be possible to have samples of Alpen Brau beer on hand for the evening of October 15th? Henry and John will investigate and report on their findings at the next meeting.


Bench Project Report – John reported that there will be 5 benches in place by Tuesday, August 15th. With 7 more benches to be ordered as soon as locations are solidified and permits are amended. One of those benches will honor the Dogtown servicemen killed in the wars. Another bench will honor the Dogtown members of the St. Louis Soccer Hall of Fame.

Checks have been received for each bench prior to its being ordered. John charges the cost of the benches and the plaques to his credit card when he orders them. Multiple orders are best, he says, as the shipping charge is waived. The DHS then reimburses John for the amounts of the orders.

John reviewed for the members the materials used in the construction of the benches, and the steps and the tools that he uses to put them together and to fasten them to the concrete sidewalks.

General Liability Insurance has been purchased for our first year at a cost to the DHS of $375.00. This liability insurance is required for the current bench and ghost sign projects and will cover any future projects. Evidence of renewal of this policy must be submitted yearly to the city for the bench permits.

Ghost Sign Restoration Project - John reported that as of this date the painter, Lonnie Tettaton, is under contract to the DHS for the restoration of the Ghost Sign on the south side of the building at 1206 Tamm Avenue. $600 was paid to Mr. Tettaton as a deposit, $550 will cover the equipment lift he needs. The total cost will be $2600.00.

Other details to be worked out before the project can be finalized are:

  1. There is a charge for moving the telephone wires of $1898.59. John submitted the paperwork necessary to have this expense refunded by the St. Louis Development Company.
  2. Ameren UE Company will need to place covers over their electric wires, but this has been delayed due to storm outage problems.
  3. Another detail is funds to cover the Ghost Sign project. Notification has been sent to the members via the Dogtown email list of the need for donations. One DHS member responded by offering a matching funds challenge. He would match donations received up to $1700.00. Currently $595.00 in donations has been received for this project.

    The start date for the Ghost Sign project is sometime in early September. If all goes well the project will be completed by October 15th, the date of the DHS Speakers Series event celebrating the Alpen Brau Brewery, its introduction at the 1904 Worlds Fair and the completion of the ghost sign restoration project.


    National Register of Historic Places - Kelly Allman, Historic Preservation student from Southeast Missouri State was introduced to the members and was asked to tell us a little bit about herself. Kelly said that she is completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in History, with a minor in Preservation.

    She then told everyone how she found the Dogtown Historical Society (DHS). She said she “Googled” her family name “Larigan” on the internet and it led to the St. Louis Soccer Hall of Fame information on the DHS website.

    Kelly offered to be of help with any of our current DHS projects that might be in the area of historical preservation. There would be no cost to the DHS, she explained, and buildings that are 50 years old qualify. Kelly left a stack of brochures and books outlining the guidelines for application and restoration.

    Bob asked Kelly what project she might be interested in, were she to help us. He suggested the Gorman home (oldest home in Dogtown) and possibly an interview with the current owner. Kelly suggested that rather than a residential home, that a commercial building along Tamm might be selected and researched for submission to the national register.

    John suggested that Kelly review the DHS website for our current activities and projects and invited her to come back to our next meeting when we could all discuss findings and plans, giving DHS members time to review her brochures and books on the National Register of Historic Places.

    Good of the Order – John let the members know that he recently visited Virginia Lopez, our DHS Vice President, who is currently residing in the Assisted Living Facility at Laclede Groves. Virginia is doing much better and is hoping to attend the next DHS meeting in September.

    The meeting adjourned at 11:17 a.m. The next meeting will be Saturday, September 9, 2006, at 10:00 a.m., St James Rectory 6401 Wade Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139

    Respectfully submitted
    Sally Ryan Sharamitaro
    Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society


    Bibliography Oral history Recorded history Photos
    YOUR page External links Walking Tour

    Bob Corbett
