September 14, 2002
The meeting of the Dogtown Historical Society was held on September 14,2002 at the home of John Corbett
6314 West Park Avenue.
The meeting was called to order at 10:15am with fourteen people in attendance: Mary Ann Coughlan,
Bob and John Corbett, Charles and Gail Fleming, Henry Herbst, Tom Lenartson, Virginia Lopez,
Bill and Gerry Miller, Kay Richards, Sally Sharamitaro, Betty and Bill Vorbeck
Treasurer Report: Jim Glaser was absent – no report
Minutes were read by Virginia Lopez and were approved as read.
- St. James 100th Centennial
St. James 100th Centennial went very well. Over 450 people in attendance. Bob Corbett scanned 50 photographs took a stack home to scan at a later date. Bob and John Corbett had their computers showing pictures
- Store Window
The store window display at Lehman’s Hardware is well lighted and available for tours. DHS is having seven photos enlarged to add to the display.
- Living History
Joe Wiss, Nick Direnso, and Don Wiss met with Bob and John Corbett for interviews.
- Speakers Series
The speakers series will start the first in February then May, August and November. Each speaker will be given one and one half hour to speak. Some of the topics will be on the Brick Companies by Bob Corbett,
Henry Herbst to speak about The Taylor City Belt Line Railroad, Jim Powell to speak on Route 66, and the last will be about the World’s Fair. The Centennial of the Worlds Fair will be held in 2004. We will advertise the meetings through email and the Church Bulletin. Sally Sharamitaro agreed to help.
- Ghost Signs
Henry Herbst and Bob Corbett are working on this project hoping to have something soon.
None this month.
Next meeting will be held October 12, 2002 at 10:00 am at John Corbett’s home
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M..
Minutes submitted by
Virginia Lopez, Secretary
Bob Corbett