Henry Herbst won this lovely small pamphlet on e-bay! It gives details of plans for a "Christian Hotel" for the fair which would have been located in Dogtown. As best we know, it was never built. However, it is pictured on several of the World's Fair maps.

Some notes about this photo of the (proposed) hotel:

Orientation of this map:





The Exposition to be held at St. Louis this year will be the greatest World's Fair in the history of mankind, covering an area greater than that of Chicago, Paris, Omaha and Buffalo combined, and with the experience of all other great Fairs of the past, the Directors of the St. Louis Exposition are preparing to give the world the greatest panorama of practical and amazing achievements ever witnessed. The agents of this Fair have ransacked the highways and byways to find the greatest productions of man's wisdom, art and device. Here the Orient and the Occident, the Ancient and the Modern, will meet in all their glory and grandeur and compete for excellence. Here may be seen a magnificent display of the pro- , ducts, novelties, inventions and peoples of the ' earth, collected at an immense expenditure of time, money and energy. Here you may witness a brilliant exhibition of everything that can attract, interest, amuse and instruct.

The resources of the management are astounding. It is estimated that the total cost of the Exposition will be in excess of $50,000,000. The gates to this, the greatest of all World's Fairs, will- open April 30, 1904, and close December 1, 1904, and will probably be the last great Fair the present generation will have the privilege of witnessing.

The Christian Endeavor Hotel

During World's Fairs the hotel question is of great importance, both to the Directors and friends of the Fair, and the visitors who are to be entertained in the hotels. The latter are especially interested in knowing something about the location, conveniences and rates, and to all such we take pleasure in calling attention to the Christian Endeavor Hotel.

Location -- Adjoining the World's Fair Grounds, opposite the Art Palace, and one of the gates into the Exposition. No location could be better. The site is one of the highest in the city, and is reached from the Union Station without change by the Market Street, Laclede and Chouteau Avenue car lines, each passing the hotel, and these are the only lines which run direct from Union Station to the World's Fair. The terminal depot of the great Southwestern steam railway systems is on the hotel company's own ground, directly opposite a main entrance to the Exposition. The Intramural Railway passes this point, which will carry you to any part of the Exposition. It is conceded by those familiar with the location of St. Louis hotels that the Christian Endeavor Hotel has the best location in the city, and is the nearest to the center of the Exposition grounds. With the hotel so near at hand, there will be no time lost waiting and struggling for street cars in going to and from the Exposition, or waiting in line to buy gate tickets, which can be secured at the hotel Counter. Thus you will have your time at your own command, to spend on the purpose for which you came.

Building -- The building is 400 feet wide by 450 feet long, three stories high and constructed with a view to perfect safety and excellent sanitary conditions. The entire interior of the hotel will be plastered and papered. The ground occupied by this hotel comprises two entire city blocks, which makes all four sides a front yard, all of which is effectively enclosed so as to exclude all encroachment from without, assuring entire privacy and a peaceful night's rest, so essential to Exposition visitors.

Every room is an outside room (no inside rooms in this hotel), and comfortably furnished and provided with a fire escape. There will be wide verandas, a large rotunda, offices, parlors, baths, concessionary rooms, lunch counters, restaurants and dining room with a seating capacity of 1,500, insuring prompt service. The hotel will have a daily capacity of more than 3,000 guests. New building, new plumbing, new rugs, new beds, new linen, new tableware. The best possible service will be maintained at all times. We promise you cleanliness and comfort; pure food, well selected, well cooked and well served.


Many active workers in the Christian Endeavor Union; the Baptist Young People's Union; and the. Sunday Schools; many prominent Clergymen, Educators, etc., interested in arranging comfortable hotel accommodations at a moderate price, for their many friends during the Fair, and knowing of the inadequate hotel accommodations, have arranged for the erection of this mammoth hotel, and to have it conducted on strictly Christian principles, and in such a manner as to make the atmosphere morally pure, in and around it, and thus erect a barrier around the guests that will protect them from the numerous unpleasant surroundings adjacent to so many hotels. It will be the headquarters for Christian people, teachers and their friends who desire to have a safe, comfortable and convenient home during the Exposition.


Adjoining the hotel will be a large auditorium, where Christian people of all denominations and educators of all schools will hold their meetings and rallies, and have the privilege of hearing some of the World's greatest orators. The seats will all be on the first floor with numerous exits.


Charter Certificates will be issued on conditions hereinafter set forth, and those who hold these certificates will be entitled to a special rate of $1.00 per day, for lodging, based on the assignment of two guests to one room, when necessary, or $2.00 per day for both lodging and board. We make this rate to all holding such certificates. Transient guests cannot hope to secure this reduced rate, and will be obliged to pay current rates for the accommodations.

Considering the immense cost in preparing such a palatial home, the convenient and comfortable quarters that will be provided for the guests, and the exorbitant prices charged elsewhere, you will see at once that our rates are most reasonable, and within reach of all. In view of these facts, we recommend to all friends of Christianity, education and good morals to immediately avail themselves of the privileges of purchasing certificates of Series A, as only a limited number of these will be issued.



C. E. Hotel and Auditorium Company,

Chemical Building, ------- ST. LOUIS, MO.
Phone Main 751


The Charter Certificates entitle the holders to the best rooms in the hotel. The question may arise, How can the company afford to make these reduced rates? First, we own the land, the hotel, and the illuminating plant. Second, we buy everything for cash and do everything in the most approved way.

We are not asking for money to build a hotel, for the enterprise has been completely financed in St. Louis. We want your moral support as well as your patronage, and the single dollar you pay us will prove a most profitable investment, and if for any reason you cannot come, you can sell your certificate to another.


An Information Bureau will be maintained by the hotel. Efficient guides will be at the service of the guests. Literature about the Fair and secular and religious journals may be obtained at the news stand. Further information and more literature furnished on application. Will you not introduce bur proposition to your society, and friends, and solicit their patronage and co-operation in making this their home during the Fair? Will you not act immediately, and let us hear before the Charter Certificates of Series A, are exhausted, and your friends are committed to some hotel that may never be built, or one that will be inconveniently located, charge exorbitant prices, and may be connected with a saloon and patronized by questionable characters?

On the :next page you will find a copy of application for Charter Certificate, which please to fill out and mail with $1.00 to the company, and immediately on receipt of the same we will send you a beautifully engraved Charter Certificate, entitling you to the reduced rates. Address

C. E. Hotel and Auditorium Company,
Chemical Building, ------------ ST. LOUIS, MO.


Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium, Company,

St. Louis.


Enclosed find 161.00 Draft, or Money Order, for which please send to me Charter Certificate, Series A, entitling me to the reduced rate at your Hotel of $1.00 per day for Lodging, or $2 00 per day for Lodging and Board, as per copy of Certificate on back hereof.

Name ................................
Street ...........................................

Date .......................


Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Company.

St. Louis,..................................1904
Received $1.00 from..........................................
City of...................... State of................ Street.................
for Charter Certificate, Series A, entitling the holder to the privilege of securing accommodations at the Christian Endeavor Hotel at the following reduced rates

European Plan -- $1.00 per day for lodging for each person.
American Plan -- $2.00 per day for Lodging and Board.

These reduced rates are granted only to those holding Charter Certificates.
Notify us at least fifteen days in advance of your coming.
This Certificate may be transferred.

The Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Company,
Per............................................ Secretary.


To Whom It May Concern: It gives me pleasure to assure the public that the men comprising the Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Company are of high moral and financial standing, and, in my opinion, can be depended upon to keep every promise they make to the public.
Pres. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis.


St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5th, 1904.

To Whom It May Concern: The gentlemen composing the Board of Directors of the Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Company, can be relied upon by the public to carry out to the letter any and all promises made to the public.
Yours sincerely,
W. F. McMURRAY, D. D.,
Pastor Centenary Methodist Church, St. Louis.


St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5th, 1904.

The names that are behind the Hotel and Auditorium Company speak for themselves, and the character of the men will certify to the public that the Hotel and Auditorium Company are worthy of all confidence. Both auditorium and hotel will be conducted rightly.
Pastor Pilgrim Congregational Church.


The Directors of the Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Company are among our most trusted citizens. Whatever representations they make may be implicitly trusted. All of the Christian brotherhood in St. Louis feel a deep interest in this movement to secure for our brothers who visit St. Louis during the World's Fair a secure and pleasant home under the best surroundings.
W. W. BOYD, D. D., Pastor Second Baptist Church, St. Louis.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5th, 1904.


I take pleasure in stating that I am well acquainted with the gentlemen whose names appear as Directors of the Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Company, that their standing as business men in this community is very high, and that I believe that any enterprise which they direct may be expected to succeed. I recommend their enterprise to the respectful consideration of all persons engaged in education.
Chancellor Washington University, St. Louis.


St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5th, 1904.

It affords me pleasure to recommend with hearty confidence the Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium to all Endeavorers and Christian people to whom these words may come. Its location, both for comfort and easy access to the Fair Grounds, cannot be excelled. With equal confidence, I commend its Directory, management, rates and purpose as a reliable Christian enterprise.
Trustee of the United Society C. E. and Pastor of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church.


St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5th, 1904.

It gives me pleasure to commend the enterprise known as the Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Company. Its Directors and Officers are all men of the highest character and financial standing, and their association with this enterprise is a guarantee of its success. I am confident that all the pledges made by them to the public will be abundantly fulfilled, and that visitors to the World's Fair will find in this hotel, a safe, convenient and agreeable lodging place at reasonable prices.
Pastor Second Pres. Church, St. Louis.


St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5th, 1904.

I know all the men personally or by reputation, who are directors and officers of the Christian Endeavor Hotel and Auditorium Co., and take pleasure in saying they are among the best people of our city, and the most reliable as relates to their financial ability and moral integrity. The enterprise which they are carrying out seems to me an entirely worthy one, in furnishing a hotel at modern rates and conducted on temperance principles where moral and Christian people may find congenial associations.
Yours truly,
Editor Christian-Evangelist.

Showing the World's Fair, the Union Station and Christian Endeavor Hotel and the Chouteau, Market and Laclede street car lines running from the Union Station to the Hotel.


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Bob Corbett