This is the overview page for the census of Dogtown for the year 1910. The data is taken from the United States Federal Census of 1910. Since there are 6,131 people listed in this census, it is presented in two separate lists. This was to avoid a very slow loading page.

The data is presented in alphabetical order of STREETS. If you just hit the "search" function on your web page you may search any names, but I did not recreate the list in last-name order. It's just too much data.

This project has been several years in the making and is the work of two very dedicated people who deserve enormous thanks -- Kay Placke Richard and Sally Ryan Sharamitaro. This census work took literally hundreds of hours, working at the libraries with micro-film and eventually printing the sheets of each of the hundreds of pages involved. However, that was just the BEGINNING. These sheets are all in hand-writing, some of which werer nearly impossible to read. So Kay and Sally had to go line by line and type up these records into what they THINK each line said. Needless to say, that was many, many hours, some even with magnifying glasses and such aids.

Without the dedicated work of Kay and Sally this valuable historical tool would not be available.

The actual xerox copies of these data pages are available for your inspection in the Dogtown Historical Society archives. No matter how we enlarged the data, there were some names and addresses which we simply could not read, so we did our best guessing.

In anyone or more out there in Dogtown-land would like to work on the 1920 census records, voluneteers are most welcome. If any would like to FUND the Dogtown Historical Society to hire some one or more people to work on this data, I'm sure I could find willing and capable workers.

The two data files are:

From streets beginning with "A" through Manchester Ave.

From Martha Place through Wise Ave. and one set of addresses with no street given.

Good luck in finding useful and interesting data, and ENJOY!


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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu