Class names and other data are beneath photo
The class members are:
Top row: Principal, Miss Battaglia, 1. Kyle Cordia, 2. Caleb Classe, 3. Kristina Moriarty, 4. Ryan Nichols, 5. Andrea Spencer, 6. Zachary Flynn, 7. Virginia White, 8. Mark Edwards, 9. Jillian Firns, Mr. Poelker, Father John Johnson.
Middle row: 1. Rebecca Haley, 2. Alexandria Bakalar, 3. Ashley Walls, 4. Andrea Ackerman
Front row: 1. Scott Ode, 2. Stephen Johnson, 3. Kurt Skredenske, 4. Michelle Stolwyk, 5. Amy Brewer, 6. Lesley Burch, 7. Caitlyn Read, 8. Josef Pikul, 9. Nathan Moore, 10. John Colombo
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