8TH GRADE CLASS OF 1947 (not the graduation photo)

Names and comments below photo

Top row from left: 1. Harry Geen, 2. Theodore Mueller, 3. Anthony Hartelege, 4. Robert Gomelouh, 5. Bernard Drummond, and 6. David Murphy

Second row from top: 1. Rose Gioa, 2. Caroline Brazill, 3. Rosemary Pilla, 4. Mary Ann Betz, 5. Eva Robards, 6. Patricia McVey, 7. Maureen Hunter, 8. Elinore Wideman.

Third row: 1. Russell Nunnley, 2. Thomas Hinklebien, 3. Francis Lubert, 4. Michael Harold, 5. Joseph Boman, 6. Jerry McVey, 7. Tom Reese, 8. Vincent Rocchio, 9. Robert Moses.

Fourth row: 1. Jacquelin O'Donnell, 2. Janet Aprill, 3. Patricia Fortune, 4. Mirian Stafford, 5. Josephine Palumbo, 6. Margaret McMahon, 7. Delores Lee, 8. Kathleen Kaiser, 9. Anna Mae O'Brien, 10. Carol Pursley, and 11. Mildred Barret.

Bottom row: 1. Jerry Hoffman, 2. George Shaffrey, 3. William Vorbeck, 4. Jack Riordan, 5. Jerry McLaughlin, and 6. Michael Newport.


Bibliography Oral history Recorded history Photos
YOUR page External links Walking Tour

Bob Corbett bcorbett@netcom.com

Bob Corbett bcorbett@netcom.com


Bibliography Oral history Recorded history Photos
YOUR page External links Walking Tour

Bob Corbett bcorbett@netcom.com