Names will have to come later. I need some help from you folks in the class of 1956.

Top row: Sister John Francis, 1. Larry Mazucca, 2. Mary Ann Hillebrand, 3. James Mittler, 4. Margaret Brady, 5. Kenneth Wiles, 6. Sharon Cerrutti, 7. Michael Di Slavo, 8. Marilyn Dittoli, 9. Robert Barbagli, 10. Ruth Ann Hummert, 11. Arthur Vollinger.

Second row from top: 1.Philip Barat, 2. Margaret Hughes, 3. Ronald Weisinhand, 4. Becky Delino, 5. John Leberman, 6. Mary Ann McLaughlin,7. Billy Wolf, 8. Joan Marie Mahon.

Third row: 1. Patricia Taddrick, 2. Donald Horman, 3. Karen Dressler, 4. Edward Doherty, 5. Estelle Green, 6. Tom Richard, 7. Ellen Largen, 8. James McEvoy, 9. Maryetta Reynolds, 10. Normal Lee, 11. Susan Lewis, 12. Gerald Summers

Fourth row: 1. Virgil Speri, 2. Kay Williams,3. Lawrence Hanna, 4. Eileen Hinklebein, 5. Alan Pruess, 6. Mary Rita McKeown, 7. Dennis Bequette, 8. Jo Ann Emmerich, 9. James Fanning, 10. Kathleen Dodd, 11. Jack Sanders, 12. Josephine Alverce

Fifth row: 1. Marilyn Calcaterra, 2. Joe Phelan, 3. Mary Clare McDonald, 4. James Ferguson, 5. Theresa O'Brien, 6. John Berra, 7. Mary Jo Dempster, 8. Chuck Ladd, 9. Rose Marie Lee, 10. John Wellington, 11. Jacklyn Finn, 12. Kathleen Booth

Bottom row: 1. Shirley Wesp, 2. Nancy McNichols, 3. Barbara Klein, 4. Cecelia Embiski, 5. Jo Ann Bellistri, 6. Ruth Ann Frick, 7. Myrtle Jones, 8. Carol Lammers, 9. Avon Carney, 10. Alva Wright, 11. Kathleen Gravatt, 12. Marcia Myers

Thanks to James McEvoy, who, while not graduating with this class helped with the names and added this item below

The following names are from the lists of 5th grade St. James School Honor Pupils published in the January, February, and April, 1953 issues of the St. James Magazine: Phillip Barrett*, John Berra*, Jo Ann Bellistri*, Margaret Brady*, Mary Jo Dempster*, Michael Di Salvo*, Karen Dressler*, Jo Ann Emmerich*, Jacqueline Finn*, Kathleen Gravatt, Lawrence Hanna, Donald Harmon, Eileen Hinkelbein*, Margaret Hughes, Ruth Hummert*, Myrtle Jones, Carol Lammars*, Charles Ladd*, John Leberman, Susan Lewis, Joan Marie Mahon*, Mary Claire McDonnell, James McEvoy, James Mittler*, Marcia Myers, Thomas Richard*, Arthur Voellinger, Ronald Wiesehan*, Alva Wright, and Kay Williams. The names with an asterisk graduated from St. James. I thought this information might be useful to you for checking your mailing lists for other people who might help us fill in the missing names.


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Bob Corbett