Class names and other data are beneath photo
Top row: 1. Mark Mulchek, Father Rauch, 2. Jenni Jones, 3. Cary Torrence, 4. Paul Kurczynski, 5. Tim Smith, 6. Rico Lange, 7. Becky White, Msgr. Ed Deutschmann
Row two: 1. Jay Frost, 2. Jamie Venincasa, 3. Michelle Krause, 4. Lucy Owen, 5. Andrew Brennell
Row three: 1. Maureen Downs, 2. Gina Italiano, 3. Melanie Naylor, 4. Stephanie Bolego
Bottom row: Karen Battaglia, 1. Matt Rombach, 2. Pat McNeil, 3. Lory Kelly, 4. Crystal Cobb, 5. Katie McDermott, 6. Heather Woolbright, 7. Danny Hochstatter, 8. Bob Morris and Mrs. Dalton
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