Class names and other data are beneath photo
Thanks to Rita Carney for the names below.
TOP ROW: 1. James Magnus, 2. Eddie Poe, 3. Douglas Skinner, 4. Melvin ???, 5. Delores White, 6. ????, 7. Booties ????, 8. ????, 9. Joan Loar, 10. Donald Hendricks, 11. Kenneth La Grace, 12. ????, 13. Carl ????
Middle row: 1. Barbara Early, 2. Clarence Pigg, 3. Dorothy Clawson, 4. Ed Franz, 5. Lois Vespy, 6. Jim Conley, 7. Eileen Jenneman, 8. Stan Meyers, 9. ?????, 10. Ronald Judy
Bottom row: 1. ?????, 2. John Gelbach, 3. Kenneth Nappier, 4. Harry Doakes, 5. ????, 6. Shirley Garrett, 7. Rita Carney, 8. Richard Ziervogel
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