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#488: Haitian prejudices. Vedrine comments

From: "Emmanuel W. Vedrine" <evedrine@hotmail.com>

"Haitians living in the States master English faster since they are immersed 
in the language; the media ,work,etc. is all conducted in English. Also, for 
new immigrants ,it is taught as a second language, something that is not 
done in the case of French in Haiti. The teaching of languages in Haiti is 
very theoretical. As someone who's
done half of his studies in Canada and the other half in Haiti, I can
compare the two systems.I observed  that oral expression is not particularly 
encouraged in Haitian schools. Some educators don't realize that practice 
makes perfect." (Ralph Chery)

- Part of Chery's comments above make sence. But it would be better if he 
can elaborate on "I observed  that oral expression is not particularly 
encouraged in Haitian schools. Some educators don't realize that practice 
makes perfect."

