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#2592: Images of Voodoo in the 21st Century : Perrault replies

From: ange perrault <ange.perrault@mail.tju.edu>

I was not going to response but I think I have to. I am not sure I understood
the comment about PITIT GINEN and DECHOUKAJ.  I failed to see the correlation
with African Heritage, DECHOUKAJ exist in all societies:  I could say it came
out the french revolution, but let's keep to the subject.

I regard VODOU as a haitian treasure because it is unique in its form.  Explaining
and correcting misrepresentations of the religion to non-practitioners should
be your concern.  Racine says he/she does not care, but I think to differ or
we would not be have this exchange.

Again we get caught in the same arguments:
Vodou is too African to be from anywhere else, or Vodou is too haitian to be African.
I will leave out those who think that VODOU is not a religion.

My point again, how can Vodouisants explain the religion to non-practioners
without feeling that they are watering-it-down or selling-it-out?  
If the only way to understand VODOU is to practice it, then it will remain a mystery.

One point Racine made also goes along with what I am saying:
"If more Vodou practitioners could read and write, Vodou would make more advances"
Well, how can non-practitioners who can read and write help beside teaching them how to read? I have Maya Deren's DIVINE HORSEMEN, but I would also like to read books written
by Haitians as well.

Ange R. Perrault, Ph.D.