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9479: price of food (fwd)
From: Jedidiah Daudi Lyall <postmaster@lyalls.net>
>I heard, when I was in Haiti last, that it has become more expensive to produce and sell crops than it has to import things.
> Can someonee verify this? For example, someone said that the US sells all the meat that they don't normally consume
> (turkey legs for example) to Haiti for dirt cheap.
> Because of that, many people who used to raise chickens in Haiti find that they can't compete with the price of the
>subsidized food coming from the US.
This is certainly true for some items, like chicken. All of the
chicken that folks eat nowadays is dark meat, legs and thighs.
Since haitian chickens certainly have breasts, there must be some
These dark meat pieces are left over from the american fast food
obession, with breasts being consumed about
100 to one. Containers of frozen dark meat are shipped out, I assume to
anywhere that wants to buy it.
Are they 'subsidised'? Well, they sell cheaper than breast meat
certainly, altho the business people who import
and sell it are doing it to make money, and folks in poor countries buy
it because its cheaper than the
domestic product.
These dark meat pieces are subsidised by US buyers who pay more for
white meat, in my opinion. Is this bad for haitians and
others in the third world? It is not bad for any of my friends. It is
good for them. They get cheaper food and
have protien more often. Haitian Chickens are for eggs and fighting.
Should anyone worry about the
commercial farmers who used to raise chickens? No, there are plenty of
other business opportunities.
Why should we wish to keep chicken prices higher to save a few (
surely less than 10) chicken farms?
Pigs and Goats are the locally produced meat sources. Guinea fowl
seems to be local as well.
We don't have ostriches or those other little ostrich type of birds
in haiti yet.
Good biznis plan there, along with making charcoal out of the thousands
of tons of sugar cane waste
left from the tafia pressing.
Se pa pou Dadi
J. David Lyall