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a123: Petit-Goave: Chamberlain corrects his error (fwd)

From: Greg Chamberlain <GregChamberlain@compuserve.com>

Someone tells me I denied that the FL supporter Duvergé was beaten in
Petit-Goave.  Looking at that post again, I see it was a clumsy error on my
part.  Instead of the passage confusingly reading:

> How could you leave this out, Kim, and in the same breath 
> complain of an "almost complete press blackout" on the 
> Convergence people severely beating up the FL guy 
> Duvergé (not true, anyway) ? 

... it should've read:

> How could you leave this out, Kim, and in the same breath 
> complain of an "almost complete press blackout" (not true,
> anyway) on the Convergence people severely beating up 
> the FL guy Duvergé ? 

        Greg Chamberlain