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12164: Re: a12116L Re: a12162L Re: 12161 & 12146: Joseph responds to Mambo.. (fwd)

From: Philip Richter <philipcrichter@hotmail.com>

Those lengths that the "marron" Haitian maid  went to remain in the States
described by 'Haiti 1804' are nothing compared what many  other Haitians go
through, and its not much at all compared to Mexicans, Central Americans,
Cambodians, Vietnamese, etc., who actually lose their lives getting to the
US, or die or lose their liberty under circumstance of establishing
themselves here, let alone the much more dramatic social/economic
contortions many illegal immigrants as a groups go through to remain living
and working in the USA.

The Haitian tendency to go "marron" is no reason to keep them the asylum
seekers confined as implied in 'Haiti 1804' - the same opposing argument to
the unequal treament of Haitinas obtains; large numbers of every immigrant
group from poor countries tend to go marron, not only Haitians.

PCR  philipcrichter@hotmail.com