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12171: An invitation to meet Franklyn Armand in Newark, NJ

From: GUY S ANTOINE <GuyAntoine@windowsonhaiti.com>

I have arranged for Franklyn Armand (Frè Armand) to meet this Tuesday May 28 with
some Haitians in the New Jersey and New York area.  You are cordially invited.  The
meeting will take place at 7:00pm in the school cafeteria at Sacred Heart CHURCH in
Newark (not to be confused with the Sacred Heart CATHEDRAL)  The address of the
church is the intersection of Sanford Avenue and South Orange Avenue in the Vailsburg
section of Newark.  If anybody would like to join us and needs driving directions, please
e-mail GuyAntoine@windowsonhaiti.com , or get them on www.mapquest.com , or call
the office at 973-373-9790.

A few of us on this list (including our host) have commented on Franklyn's remarkable
work in support of rural community development efforts throughout Haiti, but particularly
in Pandiassou, a peasant community in the Central Plateau near Hinche.  I had the
privilege of spending a few days in Pandiassou last year and rediscovered the meaning
of HOPE for Haiti.  If this topic interests you and you can make the time to come to
Newark on a Tuesday evening, I assure you that acquainting yourself with the story
of one Haitian community's amazing achievement and seeing it all on slides, will be
well worth your time and the effort.

Tuesday, May 28 (tomorrow, at the time of this writing) at 7:00pm, Sacred Heart Church,
intersection of Sanford Ave. and South Orange Ave., (Vailsburg) Newark, NJ.

Guy S. Antoine