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12252: Only Response from Wilson (fwd)

From: riwilson <RIWILSON@maf.org>


     This is my only reply to all the email discussing reparations
     generated by my earlier email.

     My thesis, specific purpose, theme was/is that "policy decisions and
     enforcement of laws and regulations would go far toward solving
     problems in Haiti . . . Things will not change much until those who
     take an oath to support and defend Haiti in an official capacity
     (judges, police, officials of EDH and CAMEP, legislators, etc.) do so
     without respect to their political party (Lavalas, Convergence or
     whatever) friends or themselves."

     Apparently I did not make this clear.  President Aristide recently
     annnounced he wants everyone to report corruption in government.  Good
     move!  I applaud him for that.  Last fall sometime he asked EDH to
     eliminate electrical theives, again good move.  But violence ensued.
     The police were asked to help.  If memory serves, they refused.

     Attempts are made to follow the laws, but until everyone is socialized
     to obey the laws of the land little will be accomplished.

     I have read Lavalas' platform.  They have many good ideas.  But
     without the concerted support of everyone from the streets of Delmas
     to the presidency very little will come of it.

     So far as I can tell, the majority reaction to my earlier email was in
     the form of emotional knee jerks to two illustrations.  Thus my point
     was missed.  The sole purpose for any illustration, analogy, metaphor,
     example or statistic is to clarify a position or point.  I apologize
     for the use of two illustrations which did not clarify my thesis.  I
     do not retract my thesis though.

     The future is the issue for Haiti, for all of us.  It is where we and
     all our descendants will spend the rest of our lives.  Our goal should
     be to make it the best and brightest future we can.

     Richard Wilson