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12728: Albert Valdman and Franketienne to be in Montreal in October (fwd)

From: MariLinc@aol.com

>From KIPKAA (Komite Inisyativ pou Kore Alfabetizasyon ann Ayiti / Committee
to Support Literacy Initiatives in Haiti)
August 14, 2002


5 October 2002, which is the inauguration date of Montreal's Creole Language
Month, will be a great day for all Creolists. Professor ALBERT VALDMAN,
Director of the Creole Institute at Indiana University, International
Vice-President of Études Créoles, and world-renowned linguist, has accepted
KIPKAA's invitation to be the featured speaker for this inaugural event. This
conference will focus on Haitian Creole, that is to say: its history, its
linguistic aspects, its Siamese-twin relationship to other Creole languages
in the West Indies and Indian Ocean, and its place within the educational
system and literacy programs of Haiti.

However, 26 October will be a day unlike any other in the history of Creole
celebrations in Montreal. Professor FRANKÉTIENNE, author of «DEZAFI» (the
first novel in Creole literature), artist, poet, dramatist, and
world-renowned author of 37 books (among them, «PÈLENTÈT») has accepted to
honor the Creolophone community in Montreal by his presence and participation
in the final large conference to be scheduled in this year's Creole Month
Calendar. The title for this spectacular event is: «The Importance of Creole
Theater in Haiti. A Look at the Theater of Frankétienne».

There will be many other programs, events and cultural activities, such as
dramatic and comedy sketches, poetry recitals, special music, painting and
book expositions, a book signing by Frankétienne, etc. All of these
activities will be organized by KIPKAA, in collaboration with the Department
of Linguistics and Translation of the University of Montreal. All are
welcome, no matter where you live on the planet!

University of Montreal
Jean-Brillant Pavilion
3200, Jean-Brillant Street
5 October: Room B-2245 - 26 October: Room B-0215
Time: 2:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Admission Fee: $15 Canadian

Tel & reservations: (450) 651-0157
E-mail: kipkaa@attcanada.ca

For all other activities (beginning on October 1st and ending on October
28th) to be included in the Montreal Creole Month Calendar, more information
will become available at the beginning of the month of September. Check for
further developments at KIPKAA's Website:


C.P. 65060, Succ. Place Longueuil
Longueuil, Québec, J4K 5J4

Tel: (450) 651-0157
E-mail: kipkaa@attcanada.ca

Marilyn Mason
P.O. Box 181015
Boston, Massachusetts 02118 USA
Tel: (+1) 617-247-8885
Fax: (+1) 617-262-8923
Email: MariLinc@aol.com