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12800: Elevage de Kabrit (fwd)

From: Marie Petit-Michel <mpetit_michel@yahoo.com>

Dear Corbetters,
I work with an NGO in Jeremie, Haiti that has a goat raising program.
Our current goat raising progarm design is as follows: The initial 1- The recipient of a goat (a member of the women's health group) gets a female goat. The agreement is that when the goat has offspring, (a) a male should be returned to us and (b) another offspring (male or female) goes to another member of the women's health group.
I am considering changing the structure of our current plan.  However, it would help if I was able to see how other community goat raising programs operate.  The ministry of agriculture in the Grand Anse currently has no goat raising projects in the area.
I would like to visit a goat breeding farm if possible. I am also seeking to speak to an experienced person about the breeding cycle and possible rotation cycle of goats to avoid inbreeding. I am also considering getting vaccinations for newborn baby goats to prevent the deaths.
If anyone can put me in contact with experienced goat raisers in Haiti, I would very much appreciate it.  Please e-mail me at mpetit_michel@yahoo.com.
Thank you

Marie Petit-Michel
Technical Assistant Medical, Public Health
Development Coordinator
Haitian Health Foundation
10 Rue Rochasse
Jeremie, Haiti  WI
tel. 011 284-5216/6333     fax. 011 284-6526

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