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12016: Obituary from Japan (fwd)

From: Mihoko Tsunetomi <miho0087@tctv.ne.jp>

Senator Kiyoshi Imai (Democratic Party) passed away
on August 1st of stomach cancer.  He was 62. The funeral
will be held on the 8th at Chino City Hall.  He was an
activist while in Tokyo University. Later he was engaged in
regional medical care, was the president of Suwa Central
Hospital. He was first elected as senetor in 1992, re-elected
in 98.
 That is all the media coverage, yet not a word is mentioned
how he was dedicated for Haiti. He was a member of Japan
Friendship association of Diet Members for Japan-Haiti
relations and my Haiti Information Network. Even when
President Aristide was in exile inthe United States,
Mr. Imai accompanied the ambassador there.
Several times he visited Haiti, helped realize the plans
both from the embassy and from us NGOs and Haiti
supporters. Unlike many politicians who have just honorary
names, he was the man of integrity who truly cared for Haiti.
The plan is not clear yet, but the ambassador, myself, and
some others are thinking of attending the funeral.
I just want to say "Thank you, and sorry for Haiti today which
is not what we have dreamed."

                                             Mihoko Tsunetomi