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13195: Re: 13193: Senou: Does Lougaroup exist? (fwd)

From: Cleo714@aol.com

What I remember hearing about lougaroups when I was growing up was always
vague.  Here's what it was:
They fly.
They are usually old women. They ëat" children ,whether spiritually or
physically I never could figure out but it kept me anxious many nights in
Port au Prince, I can tell you that much!
They can change their shapes into animals
They walk about at night...
They are afraid of garlic.
They can be someone close to you and you may not know that they are
If they eat someone who is related to them, they will vomit blood and die
(caused the persecution and subsequent madness of a nice old man in my
neighborhood who was puking up blood because he had t.b...His grandson had
died suddenly prior to those symptoms showing themselves in him).
They are ugly...
Stories / Threats of them could keep the most dézôd kid obedient.
Hmm...that was an interesting journey into my subconscious mind...and a weird
visit to ghosts/ lougarups from my youth.  I'd love to hear from others......