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13477: Corbett: Review of Apollon's HAITI TRIVIA and HAITIAN ART TRIVIA

>From Bob Corbett

For a more easy format to read see:



By Marlene Rigaud Apollon
Coconut Creek, Fl.: Educa Vision, Inc., 2001.

Haitian Art Trivia  136 pages. ISBN # 1-58432-145-8. English and Haitian

Haiti Trivia  74 pages. ISBN # 1-881839-65-6. English, Haitian Creole and

Comments of Bob Corbett
October 2002

Arthor Marlene Appollon tells us in the forwards that these two books are
for children, and so they are. However, both books will serve a most
welcomed second purpose: nice, easy first introductions to Haiti, and
Haitian art for foreigners. Even more important the works are naturals for
English speakers wishing to practice their Creole, or Haitians wishing to
practice English.

The Haiti Trivia book has short chapters on geography, history, maps,
cities, important people and some odds and ends. Each section is written
three different times, in English, French and Haitian Creole.

Then each chapter is followed by a set of questions in each of the three
languages (and thus the title trivia.) Finally each set of questions is
followed by the answers in each language.

Haitian Art Trivia is much the same structure except that French does not
appear, only English and Creole.

Despite the fact that the book is intended for young children, its an
excellent introduction to Haitian art, going beyond the general view that
the world of Haitian art began only in 1944. We first read of some bits of
art in early Haiti. A second theme is Haitian painting as a mode of
recording history. Other chapters are on painting as a record of everyday
life, images of children and young people, a chapter on religion and
another on the worlds of nature and fantasy.

The structure of the other book is followed: first instruction, then
questions, and finally answers.

The art book has a few decent color illustrations and is appealing for
such an inexpensive book.

Earlier I emphasized the attraction these book might hold for adults
learning about Haiti, or especially those learning Haitian Creole.
However, I dont mean in the slightest to denigrate these as childrens
book, which is their main intent. They certainly are that and well done
for younger children, presenting Haiti and Haitian art in simple and
appealing language.

These books are yet a continuing testimony to the wonderful work of Educa
Vision, Inc. to bring Haiti and Haitian language to the U.S. reader.

Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu