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13866: Lyall on Bin Laden and manifestations (fwd)

From: J.David <his_voidness@yahoo.com>

I have seen Bin Laden graffiti on many walls in Haiti.

On the other hand, I have had many people call out "ben laden"
at me, because I have a beard. Heard bearded haitians called
bin laden as well.

I was at the embassy (consular office, actually) on Monday
when the pro government march came by. It was a welcome
change from the previous friday, when the government,
vowing to "show who the majority is" shut down the capital
with tire burning, rock throwing and destruction of property.
I saw a number of burned out cars late in the day in PetionVille.

So, mondays march was what the lavalas should be doing, having
marches. Rather than gangsters and homeless boys threatening
everyone trying to make a living.

The usa consul's office was filled, as usual, with people
getting their children registered as US citizens. I was one
of two blan in the building.

One employee of the haitian government (getting his daughter
registered) talked to me and lamented fridays attack on Port au
Prince by the chimeres. Many natural supporters of Lavalas who
HAVE JOBS have been driven away by this sort of thing over
the past few years.

Oh, back to Bin Laden. I saw folks holding up their middle
finger at the embassy. Completely natural in the circumstances.
I was chanting "aba George Bush" myself.

J. David Lyall,