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14238: Du Tuyau candidate (fwd)

From: ViandeMoulue@aol.com

For the first time in my Haitian life, I candidate. In the manufacturing of politicians without sensible abilitative craftiness of the political politics of this re-sentisized crfatmanship, I candidate politics.

But candidate what for what in what?

I think think, and think. Maybe CASEC? But, but I need national covering of coverage. Maybe no CASEC then for real truth. Problemo because, maybe congressman deputy. No good. So I senator candidate? I need platform national people national know me politik.

I senator candidate because, I work in restaurant and Caesar salad only solo solamente. I want Dessalines salad, Christophe salad, Pétion salad, and surely sure of course, Toussaint salad.

I no politician good understanding. I citizen and I got rezidans green card Friday. So I can go Haiti for election 2003. I senator candidate for 10 department.

The sunshine clear in my stomach for the Haiti brilliant people bouretye, the Haiti brilliant people intellectuel, the Haiti brilliant people malere, the Haiti brilliant people sleep no food with no food.

I no believe power in power from batay fight force army. I believe everybody vote for me. I 100 percent vote minus 80 percent. So I win by lose. I good like that.

I no lavalas moun fou. I meatloaf moufou politics of the extraoridinary world of politics. From today of today on until vitam eternam all life, I politic of the wise wisdom...

A little French, Mister Bob Corbett, please.

 Dans un monde experimentable de pauvreté insatiablement aliénant et
 aliénatoire, je me propose dans la vallée immensément petite du
 politicien de la force centrifuginale des espoirs érotiques de la
 manifestation exemplaire et exemplatoire des nuits sans sommeils blanches
 et noires du drapeau dessalinien noir, rougle, bleu et rouge de la
 couleur de l'arc-en-ciel sans ciel ciéleux.

 Ma politique s'abstiendra à l'illumination fascinante et fascinatoire des
 crapules manifestations politiquement politicables, de l'espoir
 non-vengeantrice d'un homme éperdu et perdu du monde politiquement
 politique. Des Etats-Unis à la France francisante, j'adopterai le
 créolophone créolisant des Salomonistes, des Riché-istes, des issimes
 latinisant de l'héllénisme sans vergogne espoir-isants. Mais bien sûr,

Okay, English back now,

In the spasm of politics for the politics of Haiti, I agree, forcefully in the clouds of sunshy-niness, that Haiti's inexorable futuristic future resides, just like I now have rezidans green card, in elections, politics of procedural procedure for everybody to go vote, vote, vote.

I want my people know to know one more last thing. Your vote is your kashlikov (sorry, I imitate Manigat), your vote is your Uzi, your un-manned sky-full aircraft airplane. No let nobody take it away from you. You fight fight fight for 186 years to have say in politic of of political process Haiti. No let Haiti people move makout take away from you.

I candidate.

Du Tuyau future senator for 10 department... depatman 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and... 10.

I happy now, Mister Corbett, and all Corbettic people.

Happy new year every body of the world Haitian and foreign and Corbettic