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15323: Du Tuyau regarding reparations issue (fwd)
From: ViandeMoulue@aol.com
Dear Mister Simidor and all people talking reparations,
Mister Simidor,
I no see what Saddam Hussein, Chalabi, and all people Moyen-Orient-Middle-East are looking for here in comparative analysis political. Makes no sense to me. My English no good maybe I no understand very well your point. Could you please for me explain a little bit? I no understand comparison like this.
In any case, I strongly disagree with point of view like that on Boyer. Boyer was such a poupou-head (pardon for my creole), that he no fight. That is truth basic truth. After all, he did not participate in independence war himself. Wasn't he confined to a ship as a prisoner, something like that, during that war? So he did not understand the significance of it emotionally. Have you ever asked yourselves how come the French never dared trying that trick on Christophe between 1807 and 1820? ha ha!!
Anyway, how then would Boyer put up a fight when he did not shed his own blood during that war, or see some of his best friends die from gunshot wounds? Notice that I never offer anyone Haitian a Boyer salad because I believe it would be despicable to do so.
More a little bit I can say is this. Boyer had a free people with little land from Petion they would not give up to France for going back to being slave. They would fight and would have fought, had they been given the option. Boyer even more interestingly and importantly, had the Citadelle to help defense of country, and numerous other, freshly built forts to fight the French. The guy simply had no guts. Why you compare him to Saddam Hussein is absolutely beyond me. I no good understanding for international politique. Maybe that why is why I no understand.
Okay, okay, okay, now, for issue of reparations. Let me say this in my little poor English: this issue of "give us money you stole from us" is the biggest joke from Haitian liberals, conservatives and all moun fou like me. Why they no make deal with French for French to come and build school, and French responsible for their maintenance for the next 5 to 10 years for instance? Why no build hospitals with that money French people come and invest? Why no ask French people to accept for the next 20 years, an average of 200 Haitians ugly looking people like moi to come to France and study at university for free, in all discipline scientific and otherwise, all expenses to French gouvernement? Why they want money when we know every time Haitian politician ask for money, all they want is a little money for the next little nice-looking villa? He he he yes brothers and sisters and moun fou like me, this is a big big big joke. I no buy it. Reparations I for, but no like this. Too many politician voleurs-crooks for us on both sides of the aisle, when we can do the same thing other way. After all, we as a nation were the ones who screwed ourselves up. Yes, let's have the guts to say it. A little bit of introspection please, so we can stop thinking all-time-all-the-time like victims. Remember: victims are losers; always were, always will be losers.
If we get this money all revolutionaries are asking for (hehehe revolutionaries for their little pocket), how is it going to be spent, and by whom? Titid and Co? Convergence and Co? Oh I see.. I see... Haitian magouilleurs are now like Martin Luther King "I've seen ... the promise land" (with little caveat: a nice villa up on the hills near Morne Tête Boeuf, he he he.) Adye ti pèp.
Adye vye frè mwen, let us all of us be a little careful with this little populist bend for more money to enrich a few while everyone else is still going hungry.
Well, let me go back to bed for sleeping next to girl-friend in her VS brand new. Nice, nice, nice little hedonism for me.
Du Tuyau, still looking for Centre Psychiatrique in Port-au-Prince, looking for Docteur Douyoun for help.
Can I scream anmweyyyyyyyy?