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16840: Wilcken: Job for community relations specialist (fwd)

From: Lois E Wilcken <makandal-ny@juno.com>

La Troupe Makandal performs and teaches traditional Afro-Haitian music
and dance.  Most of the company's repertory derives from the rites of
Vodou, widely known in the United States as "voodoo."  Where the mass
culture disparages Vodou, the Troupe's performances and workshops
educate, entertain, and heal racial and cultural divisions.

The Troupe has funds to hire a community relations specialist for a
one-time project in its education program.  We are interested in a person
knowledgeable about the Haitian community of New York City, and about
donor campaigns.

Please send resumes and letters of application by email or postal mail.
Do not contact us by telephone.  We will respond to qualified applicants
in mid-October.

Lois Wilcken, Ph.D.
La Troupe Makandal - New York City's Center for Haitian Drum and Dance
621 Rutland Road, Brooklyn NY 11203
718-953-6638 / makandal-ny@juno.com