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17472: Davis: FW: Taino Community (fwd)

From: Karen F. Davis <kdavis@marygrove.edu>

From: 	Eric Plouffe [mailto:erik_plouffe@radio-canada.ca]


I'm reporter at the french radio of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
(CBC) called Radio-Canada in french. I work and live in Montreal (Quebec).
I read your comments related to the Taino People in La Gonave in Haiti. I'm
really interested in that movement and I know a lot about them in the area
of Montreal.  They have an interesting history in Europe, they were known as

I would really appreciate if you could write me back because I need more
info on their activies in Haiti.
Thank you for your attention and sorry for my poor english.

Eric Plouffe, reporter radio de Radio-Canada-Montreal Quebec