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18249: Louis: 18245: (Chamberlain) re: 18237: Haiti: Crushed by U.S. power (fwd)

From: "[iso-8859-1] Bébé Pierre Louis " <moibibi8@hotmail.com>

I honestly believe you are mistaken Mr. Chamberlain. In his book: 101 vese
dechoukaj, published by Jean Bertrand Aristide, sdb. in February 1986 in PAP
 the author mentionned lavalas on several pages such as:

Sòm57, 8a:
"Se pou yo disparèt
Tankou dlo lavalas
K'ap koule desann"

Sòm 58, 8a
"Se pou yo disparet
Tankou dlo lavalas k'ap koule desann"
(with the author commentary at the bottom of the page:
Si n'pa kontinye teke,
Y'ap remonte kouran an."