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18315: O'Brien: Thank you, Mr. Saint-Vil RE: 18296: Saint-Vil sends second reply to Anonymous (fwd)
From: Martha O'Brien <mmcpeob@earthlink.net>
Once again, Mr. Saint-Vil's plea for co-operation stands out as a beacon in
the storm clouds which seem to be enveloping the country which all of us
(well, maybe that's optimistic)--most of us, anyway, on this list have come
to love. I was particularly struck by his words because they echo the
sentiments I heard coming from the mouths of some of my in-country Haitian
friends during a recent visit. Mind you, these were ordinary
citizens--simple country folk, who were expressing their own heartfelt
disillusionment with the current state of affairs. One woman went on at
great length--and in quite an impassioned tone--about the basic
wrongheadedness of disrespect for people's persons and properties
regardless of their political leanings, going so far as to say that such
"boule kay, koupe tet" approaches were a mortal sin against Bondye.
Another woman with whom I spoke indicated that, although she has "always"
(please note the quotation marks, those of you who like to get technical
about how long the movement has existed) been Lavalas, that she will never
vote again because it simply isn't worth it. As we discussed the situation
in the country, her disillusionment was painfully obvious.
Yes, I know that two majority-class women in the middle of nowhere might
well represent nothing other than their own personal viewpoints; but my
sense is that there are thousands of others in Haiti who similarly just
want co-operation and human decency to reign so that the country can get
down to the business of healing itself.
Yes, please, those of you who are in a position to make a real difference
in how this all plays out--please heed Mr. Saint-Vil's plea. Please find a
way to make the difference of which he speaks. And, for those of us who do
not seem to be in such a position, do you have any suggestions of how we
might help?
Martha O'Brien