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18764: (Hermantin) Miami-Herald-Letters to the Editor (fwd)

From: leonie hermantin <lhermantin@hotmail.com>

   Posted on Wed, Feb. 18, 2004


Haitian struggle

Re Haiti grapples with violence, lawlessness in the Feb. 11 Herald:

Given the stalemate that may emerge between Aristide and his opposition, it
makes sense to negotiate. But President Aristide does not yet have the
incentive to negotiate or implement any OAS- or CARICOM-sponsored
resolutions because these measures haven't hurt him at all. The
international community must require tangible measures from Aristide.

He must stop harassing journalists and peaceful protesters, release
political prisoners, disarm his gangs and form a more-representative

Failure to comply must bring consequences, such as freezing his foreign bank
accounts, requiring an appearance before an international court for his
crimes and blocking him from asylum or free travel once he leaves office.


Haitians are, to some extent, responsible for Aristide because their
political culture is polarized and built on conflict.

If Aristide fell from power, the vacuum left by his departure would create
tremendous infighting. Haitians would have to put aside firmly held cultural
attitudes to create a government truly representative of the people. Only
then would Haiti have a chance to nurture and feed the democratic ideals
needed to further and advance the country.


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