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19051: Pierre Jean: Re: 19001: Dorce: Re: 19675: Pierre Jean: On Lavalas, Accountability and Transparency (fwd)

From: Pierre Jean <pierrejean2004@yahoo.com>

It is precisely the lack of attention paid to these
"fine points" that led Lavalas to where it is today.
These fine points represent the hallmarks of
democracy, not some empty rhetoric about finishing out
a term come hell or high water. Had Lavalas actually
practiced what it preached and started us on the path
to a structural change that would have benefited all
Haitians, not just a chosen few Lavalas insiders or
the economic elite that does well no matter the
circumstances - and that is the whole reason why we
VOTED for lavalas in 1990 in the first place - we
would NOT have the mess we have right now.

If Aristide had decided to make JUSTICE, TRANSPARENCY
and PARTICIPATION his political platform - instead of
creating a neo-VSN corps, worrying about how to become
the country's richest man, weakening our institution
so that he could become "le Roi Soleil", etc. - then
we would not have to worry about Jodel Chamblain,
FRAPH, FADH, and the like coming on the scene again.

As for the issue of the international communities
(note the plural!) running our country, Aristide was
the first one to give in to their demands. May I also
remind you that he is the only one right now asking
for an international police force. So the opposition
does not have a monopoly on collusion with the "blan".