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19820: anonymous: overheard conversation and street chats... (fwd)
Right now, 3:45PM march the 4th:
>From a cyber-cafe, a man talk to his family in the Diaspora to give some
"I saw how things are... it is weird... American soldiers on the Palais
National grouds with heavy weapons... and what is more strange is I
passed by the Primature, [Prime Minister, Neptune, Residence]... The
same, american soldiers inside... to protect him... that means it is only
half Aristide that left [se yon mwatye Titid k ale selman]"
This I heard yesterday from several people in casual chats when they were
sure not to be overheard by "chimeres"...
This morning a moto-taxi driver told me as we were speaking about the so
called Abduction or kidnapping of Arisitide:
"Only thing I hope is that they won't send him back!"
Two days before, some chimeres gun-pointed him and stole the 1500 gourdes
he had made this day, and even the "adoken" (5 gourds coins) he had in
his pocket...