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20560: Steelyard Re 20535 Mr. Patterson should reconsider-Michael Madsen (fwd)

From: Steelyard@aol.com

If what follows bring any contribution to the unveiling of the
 surreptitiously malignant arrogance and psychological enthrallment since
ever undermining
true meaningful progress in Haïti nobody must be surprised at the subjective
nature of this post, nor at the rôle which falls to all therein. For telling it
like it is, somehow will benefit even the excerebrose benighted ignoramus in

Haïti belongs to Its Haïtian People. Have it once again inculcated in your
granite head: Neither the 1 percent racist caste of true chimères, usurpers  —so
called 'elite'(?)—  nor the besotted(ly) dormant middle class   —arivis,
who's blurry goals are forever stagnant for specific reasons—   will anylonger be
able or allowed to assume responsibility on behalf of Haïti And Its People.
Let alone speak in their name-notwithstanding the flagrant evidences of however
well they've always meant for the welfare of the country and its suffering
masses, in ages.

Every one true Haïtian, any conscious human being for that matter, will feel
him/herself justified in assuming with the 'firmest' conviction that Haïti
-Kyskeya/Boyo- not only belongs to the Caribbean Family, but indeed,  is the
fabric in mesh at the core of such Organization. That one can be gifted enough as
to so eloquently formulate his concerns vis-à-vis certain measures taken by
parties, inre the safebeing of the foully deposed Haïtian leader, only exhibits
one's tautly rotten entrails to the disgust of others with simpler and fair
diets. It's a bit unwise and premature one might assume, for the chimère 'elite'
to even consider promoting an early eulogy for CARICOM's contemplative
insinuations as regards to the puppeteers' new electorates.

We Haïtians must not only guess, but should always remind ourselves that the
true chimères' money is at play!

The entry of Haïti in the CARICOM was presented and accepted by 95% of
Haïti's population. No considerations whatsoever were needed in terms of getting an
approval from the ones raping the Haïtian Republic from its inception. And
when profit of any sort is to yield from such a union, Haïti and Its People only
will be the beneficiary. Tic Toc!

Ironically,(casting pearls to swines) this 'elite' chimère siding for support
with this idiotic modicum of the population, clamouring any sort of
nonsensical lies are the same that were shamelessly dawning the streets right after the
'dechoukaj' of their old buddy dumbdumb baby doc!

By any contravening stretch of logic, you brass-collar, die-hard moronic $#!†
sucker with little to know education can't possibly possess the intellect nor
the mental acuity to pry such approach on the CARICOM in front of us staring
at you. Expectorating your dead and rotten brain cells all over a stupid note
to members of the Caribbean Family, subtilely threatening them by mentioning
the ones in the North and others in Europe. Ohh Puh-Leezz!
Cheap-labor-thirsty-oil-gargling-GOLEM! You've convoluted and contrived a few paragraphs to suit
some $#!††¥ dreamy peculiar want to artfully convey, yet your conveyance is so
freakishly devoid of anything meaningful. Just a stooopid effrontery veiling
a casuistic latrine of sophistries. A slew of prevaricated ullage of
excrement...empty terms to try to scare away, that hardly sound nice when put together,
none the less with neither truth nor meaningful conveyance. Your kind can
only do one thing at a time; rape the defenseless Haïtian masses. The mere
freaking fact that you can't communicate a simple note and truthfully make sense at
the same time, exposes you for the thievish handicap that you really are.
(timado, ou pa sonjé jan-w té sot lekol Ayiti...back in the days)?

I am only being critical of your arrogant ignorance for your own good. For
you are supposedly speaking on behalf of all Haïti. I was hoping that in future
editorials addressed to the outside world, you wouldn't  portray yourself and
the other 'elite' chemères as such eversible hemorrhoidal bleeding anus.

This ipse dixit of the Wall Street Journal's estimation of other people's
wealth is weightless and not relevant. Bald head, Mr. Clean...GRASSOMODO is still
under investigation, and is regurgitating some of the millions through his
nostrils. They can't even adequately keep track of how ferociously their head
executives are robbing people on their own soil. So, for anyone to consider
their logistics and apply it to the rest of the world or Haïti, is only to
inadvertently radiate those same tendencies, endemic to a well bred caste!

Make no mistake about it, JUSTICE will keep 'fluxing' like mighty water...the
irrigation's systematic course of such a demanding catharsis is simply left
to time!

The next days will tell whether or not un-whetted Falstaffian eobiont of your
caliber should stand for all of us, disemboguing trivialities of such
proportion in front of the entire world!

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid this chimerical 'elite' is.

I mean rock-hard stupid.

Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid.

Surface of Venus under 80  atmospheres of red hot carbon dioxide and sulfuric
acid vapor dehydrated for 300 million years rock-hard stupid.

Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole
different sensorium of stupid.

The chimère 'elite' is trans-stupid stupid.


Stupid so collapsed upon itself that it is within its own Schwarzschild-shell

Black hole stupid.

Stupid gotten so dense and massive that no intellect can escape.

Singularity stupid.

The chimère 'elite' emits more stupid/second than our entire galaxy otherwise
emits stupid/year.

Quasar stupid.

Nothing else in the universe can be this stupid.

The chimère 'elite' is an oozingly putrescent primordial fragment from the
original Big Bang of Stupid.

A pure essence of stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond
the laws of science/physics that define maximally extrapolated hypergeometric
n-dimensional backgroundless stupid as we can imagine it.

The chimère 'elite' is Planck stupid, a quantum foam of stupid, a vacuum
decay of stupid, a grand unified theory of stupid

The chimère 'elite' is the epiphany of stupid.

The chimère 'elite' is so stoooooooooopid.


(timado neg sot)