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20611: White: Re: 20575: Morrell: Re: 20550: Hess: gallup poll (fwd)

From: Randall White <raw@haitiaction.org>

Mr Morrell,

Maybe you are talking about something else other than what Mr. Hess
was asking for. I'm looking at the CID/Gallup poll that was
commissioned by USAID, the reason that the results were "kept
internal" probably were that they didn't match the results that the
US Embassy was looking for.

There were two polls conducted, one before and one after the
elections. Maybe the embassy "official" mistook Aristide for Gerard
Gorgue, which is completely understandable, I'm sure:

<< ...The polls also asked "who would you say is the national leader
or individual in Haiti that you most trust" (table 34). In the3102
poll President Aristide was listed by 33% of all of those asked, but
as 46% did not respond, President Aristide was listed by 6l% of all
respondents. His next closest competition was Convergence leader
Gerard Gourgue, withzyo of those asked (3.7% of respondents). The
same question was asked five months and one year after the May 2000
elections, and Aristide had even higher numbers, 50% and 60% of all
asked, respectively (page 37). I don't know how many declined to
respond in the earlier surveys... >>

As you can see, these are from the same results of the Gallup Poll
that are available somewhere.

Not that it would matter, I heard on Larry Bensky's show on KPFA
where someone claimed the standard fabrication, "...only 5% of the
people voted..." since the host had "checked his brains at the door."
Larry parroted the fabrication. But it was the response of his "Haiti
expert" co-host-who said nothing to counter the planned
misinformation fest. "Omission of the facts" destroys the credibility
of this "Haiti Expert" as well.

If everyone saw the results of that Gallup Poll back then or now, it
would make little difference. With the nonstop immersion of this
misinformation, even the intelligent hacks are second guessing what
there eyes are seeing.