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20705: Esser: Re: 20683: (Chamberlain) re: 20676: Antoine: Re: Latortue praises rebels (fwd)

From: D. Esser torx@joimail.com

Sorry to say: the AP reporting is full of factual mistakes when it
comes to Haiti. The AP does exactly what you accuse other media of --
They twist a story and omit facts until it fits their world view and
also report often very wrong facts without even retracting the
stories later.

As any serious student of journalism knows, there's
actually no such thing as unbiased reporting. Every story is colored
by an author's beliefs, even if it's only about selecting what's
newsworthy and what's not. For example: in the Haitian community in
the U.S. there's still strong support for Aristide and demonstrations
are taking place. The majority of the media you hold in such high
esteem deem such news not as fit to print. Objective? Hardly.

Greg Chamberlain writes:
The factual mistakes in the AP story cited are inexcusable, but it
would be
unfair (and inaccurate) to say they are frequent.