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21690: Esser: San Francisco Labor Council Resolution on Haiti (fwd)

From: D. Esser torx@joimail.com

Restore the Democratically Elected President of Haiti
Investigate the U.S. Role in the Coup

We applaud and support the actions of Representatives Barbara Lee,
Maxine Waters, and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus in
calling for a Congressional investigation into the U.S. role in the
coup that forced Jean-Bertrand Aristide out of office.

We call for an investigation into last year's shipping of 20,000 M-16
rifles to the Dominican Republic by the U.S. military, and into how
these weapons got into the hands of the thugs who overthrew Aristide.

We call on the state AFL-CIO, labor councils, local and international
unions to:

     a) demand an investigation into the Bush administration's role in
the coup against Aristide;

     b) demand the immediate release of Aristide and his recognition and
restoration as the democratically elected President of Haiti.

-Adapted by unanimous vote of the San Francisco Labor Council,
AFL-CIO - March 8, 2004