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22096: Bellegarde-Smith: KOSANBA Call for Papers (fwd)

From: P D Bellegarde-Smith <pbs@csd.uwm.edu>


The Congress of Santa Barbara
Kongre Santa Barbara
Congres de Santa Barbara


			International Colloquium VI

	"2004: ONWARD/ The Gede Family: Life and Death Struggles."

DEADLINE: JULY 30th, 2004

	KOSANBA, the scholarly association for the study of Haitian Vodou
	will meet in conjunction with the Haitian Association (HSA) 16th
	Conference, "Re-discovering Haitian History: Archiving Memory
	to Construct our Future," at the Universidad de Puerto Rico, in
	San Juan, Puerto Rico, on October 6-7-8, 2004.

	Because HSA has graciously opened its doors to KOSANBA this year,
	there shall be just a few panels allocated to us. Please send
	your suggested proposal for a paper on a wide variety of subjects/
	topics on Vodou, on theology, politics, inter-faith connections,
	the Gede, sex and gender, comparative approach with other neo-
	African religions, etc. to the address below.

	Please submit a one-page abstract, a synopsis/summary of what you
	may want to present, and please include name, institutional or
	organizational affiliation as appropriate, telephone and fax
	numbers and an e-mail address.

	Because of the space limitations inherent in a joint
	conference/colloquium, please think of HSA as a venue
	for your paper. Each association will be vetting the proposals
	sent to it separately.

	e-mail to:
	LeGrace Benson, PhD
	Chair, Conference Committee

	or e-mail to:
	Marc-A. Christophe, PhD

	P. Bellegarde-Smith, PhD
	Department of Africology
	University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
	Milwaukee, WI 53201

Colloquium I	UC-Santa Barbara, 1997

Colloquium II	Brooklyn College, 1998

Colloquium III	Trinity College, 2000

Colloquium IV	St. Michael's College, 2001 (with HSA)

Colloquium V	Nova University, 2003

Colloquium VI	Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2004 (with HSA)
