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22871: Du Tuyau: It's Thursday (fwd)
From: ViandeMoulue@aol.com
Hello everyone,
I am poetic today but I have no pleasant human lady to be poet for. How sad. But let's all be serious.
I read little bit from radtimes and human rights. It's important reading but interestingly puzzling for my little soul.
It seems first of all in all of the firsts, that every once in a while, we have new human rights organizations. But they all seem to have a nice little agenda. One is pro Lavalas; one is pro Convergence; one is pro PANPRA; one is pro something-they-have-yet-to-decide-what. Oh oh! oh-oh-oh!! Bondye papa m' lan!! Almost last but not least, then there is suddenly a problem of grammar pointed out by Vishnusurf.
So like Vishnu-surf, I surfed human rights report after reading Vishnusurf's grammatical correct-ability. But my English not too good, I noticed nothing bad in English. Before and after and in-between all, I am still learning English beautiful little bit anyway. I think that's why.
But on this Thursday, in a pale day where I am, rain about to fall, my heart screaming for unfound and unfound-able lovingly luv-love, I realized something drastically certain in all the perceptiveness of perception: if politics is indeed the closest thing to religion, in Haiti it is religion. When there are no leaders to adorn, adulate, acclaim, adore, and all the good A's in the world of english beautiful, there are things to decry from the other side to show that life is being lived in hell.
Not minimizing the claims in that report that are important and if true and verified, horrific in their scarinesss, my feeling is of sadness and gloomy-someness because we all seem trapped in a silly game of "who's the real Lucifer" and "who's the angel in Haiti's hellish hell".
Although the wrong question to ask, I sometimes feel like Rodney King and wish to ask stupid questions like this one: "Can we all get along?" (Simply don't have is legal Torts money). So to what Rodney King wrote I add to complete the sentence ą la haitiana: after all, we're all wrong and have been wronged and have been fooled and have been acting stupid and all. Okay, I am officially moun fou so don't take me seriously.
So maybe, just maybe, we should refocus our attention on how to resolve issues rather than just pointing out the problems. That's my true problem. Maybe that why is why I was so dumb and bad in calculus and geometry and trigonometry and all the mathetical try's. I could not add 2 plus 2 equal 3 1/2. Oh oh. Let me go. I still no good in Math. I moun fou now more than ever before yesterday and all the days before.
I am now just about to kalonnen-róch throw rocks on the streets of Stamford Connecticut. So let me go put a komprčs on my dummy head.
Du Tuyau, moun fou