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23182: Saint-Vil RE: 23177: LScott: Saint Marc massak (fwd)

From: Jean Saint-Vil <jafrikayiti@hotmail.com>

LScott wrote:
"So, you can either retrain the entire police force, which would probably mean
firing a bunch of them and hiring new people, and you would have to supply new
uniforms because the current uniforms scare people. They relate the men in
those uniforms to horrible things".

Wow! following this logic, I wonder how often the NYPD would have to change
uniform so that a certain group of Americans can finally trust the Police there
? Sorry...I know, that was never athe objective...In any case, in my non-xpert
opinion, the problem in Haiti is neither with the uniform of the police nor
with the men and women serving in it. They are as good and as bad as the
counterparts anywhere in the world.

The decision has been made outside of Haiti long ago that a new police force
and a new ARMY will be given to Haiti - even if it must be over Haitians' dead
bodies. The experiment must proceed till the bloody end. It's all about the new
doctrine "The responsibility to protect". So, she never asked for it but Haiti
will be "helped" whether she likes it or not.

Read Michel Vastel:

« Même si les Nations unies ne souhaitent pas que ce genre d’intervention
conduise à une occupation militaire, celle-ci pourrait être inévitable jusqu’à
ce que des élections aient été organisées. La communauté internationale devra
ensuite, comme à la fin des années 1990, surveiller la mise en place d’une
police et d’une armée démocratiques. »

Translation: Even, if the U.N. is not hot for to have this type of intervention
lead to military occupation, this might become inevitable until new elections
get organised. The International Community will then have to, as at the end of
the 1990s, oversee the setting up of both a democratic police and a democratic
army. Michel Vastel in l'Actualité, March 15, 2003 - which was the trial
balloon breaking the news about the infamous Ottawa Iniative where it was
decided that Aristide must be overthrown, Haiti put under UN tutelage and
return with the army.

Now, what is a "democratic army" one may ask? Is it one where the general gets
to pick whether to consult the U.S. or the French embassy before driving his
tanks against the National Palace?

I suggest that such questions not be addressed to Latortue or other puppets who
are mere overseers or the plan. Are there on this list any of the adults who
met in Ottawa on January 2003 to decide the fate of the 'children' of Haiti
because they have the "Responsibility to protect". Is Luigi Einaudi on the
list? Now that the real problem of Haiti, according to Einaudi, has been
solved. I.e.: "Haitians are no longer running Haiti", perhaps Haitians have
only one responsibility to assume "The responsibility to say Thank You" - to
its self-appointed "protectors". And perhaps, within a few months, when it no
longer mattersl Kofi Annan will be allowed to also declare the February 2004
coup illegal? I's just a word afterall.


«Pa kwè m ri. Lè m ri ou pa wè anndan m ! »  "don't think i am laughing. When I
laugh you do not see me soul" sings the samba.
