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23263: Schuller re: a little tool to help people in Latibonit (fwd)
From: Mark Schuller <marky@umail.ucsb.edu>
A clinic manager in Potoprens told me about a service that donates free medicine
- all you can carry on a plane. It's called AmeriCares.
While it's not a long-term solution addressing the roots of the problem,
hundreds of thousands of Haitians are in urgent need for, among other things,
As far as distribution - scores of groups in Potoprens have taken it upon
themselves to organize a mission to Latibonit to disburse the supplies... it
shouldn't be hard to find someone going north.
As far as the 70-pound limit, i am not sure who could answer that question.
I don't know all the details of this organization, but people can take donations
twice a year, and the drugs are within six months of the expiration date. They
have a website too, for people who want to get their contact information, etc.
My time in this cybercafe is quickly running out.
Hope this little bit helps.
Mark :0
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