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23876: Marassa (comment and question ) 1 bourbon, 1scotch, and 1 beer (fwd)

From: DeSprit Marassa <lwasauvaj@hotmail.com>

Marassa reading name and deciding to be emerging from swimming pool of
bourbon scotches and prestige. ok. not really pool. more like small basin
with boukit.
fear and loathings near red blinking tower light. thanking Ezili for
kubota...substance abusings only refuge in this spirit forsaken land...

since drugs and alcohols are carrying Marassa(s) threw morass...(segue)
Marassa is seeing more and more of resortings to the drugs and alcohols in
Haiti cherie...
marassa having question for tall foreheads on list.

why is it that Narco state of Haiti (assuming drug supply cut off since post
Titid) has no affected drug supply in U.S. of Ehs? Pricings of coca leaf and
poppy seed never lower. this having Marassa perplex...18 percentages
supposedly knocked out of markets...but U.S. price is lowering...??
Or is Marassa asking question she already knowing answer too...she seeing?
no so obvious? oh is so obvious.

N'ap konn Georges Thoroughgood...and be destroyed

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