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23992: Kathleen: (reply, ask) Re: 23982: Holmstead (article) Christmas in Haiti (fwd)

From: Kathleen <kathleenmb@adelphia.net>

The article by LE DEVOIR, for those who read French on www.haiti-info.com,
and Holmstead's post reminded me of the amnesia we all seem to have about
the last 10 years:  in 1994, Clinton returned Aristide, guarded by a glass
cage, to Haiti along with 20,000 troops and two million dollars.  His legacy
of failure over ten years seems to be forgotten by some posters, in the face
of the failures of the interim government.  The judiciary - when has it been
competent?  Were those found guilty of crimes during the Cedras or Aristide
governments fairly convicted, any more than those in prisons today?  Has
Haiti ever had an altruistic government?  Can we hope for nothing better
than life under Aristide?  kathleen