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24508: Walton (reply) Re: 24448: Kondrat (reply) Re: 24447 and others: Morse (reply) to Holmstead (fwd)

From: robert.walton3@us.army.mil

I think Americans must come to grips with the notion that we aren't always the "guys in the white hats" and that if Haiti's constitution is dead, we're the folks who did the most to kill it-- apparently for politico-economic reasons; reasons which are impossible for me to ethically defend.

My generation is largely uncomfortable with such thoughts (don't look for for an explanation in the mainstream press) and I fear that most of our kids and grandkids don't understand the implications these actions have for a nation that styles itself a "democracy."

The Noam Chomsky article recounted in Esser's recent email to the list was an eye-opener for those whose eyes aren't glued shut.  In case you missed it-  Professor Jeffrey Sachs' article, "The Fire This Time in Haiti was US-Fueled" (The Bush Administration Appears to have Succeeded in its Long-Time Goal of Toppling Aristide Through Years of Blocking International Aid to his Impoverished Nation) was published on Monday, March 1, 2004 by the Taipei Times / Taiwan.  I presume it parallels Sachs' Financial Times article (referenced by Chomsky).  It is available for free viewing at: http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0301-10.htm
